Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Adolf Hitler The Almost Antichrist Part 2



Welcome to the EndTimeshofar End-Times Bible Prophecy Podcast. In today's episode, we will be discussing part two of Adolf Hitler, the Almost Antichrist.

If you haven't listened to part one, I highly recommend doing so as we established the foundation of Hitler's involvement in the occult and his extraordinary public speaking skills.

Hitler's Characteristics of the Antichrist

Hitler possessed many characteristics of the Antichrist, including extraordinary intelligence and a dark synthesis that baffled others. We will examine these characteristics in detail by looking at scripture from Daniel chapters 7 and 8.

Hitler's Involvement in the Occult

Hitler's use of mind-altering drugs and involvement in medieval occultism and ritual magic helped him attain higher levels of consciousness. We will explore how Hitler's involvement in the occult aided his rise to power and how it connects to today's society.

The Foundation of Nazism

The Thule Society, an occult society that blended occultism and paganism, was the main foundation of Nazism. Hitler's inner circle, including himself, was heavily involved in the occult and practiced black magic.

"The inner group which controlled the Thule Society contained men who were self-confessed Luciferians."
- Joseph Carr -The Twisted Cross


Hitler's involvement in the occult and his characteristics of the Antichrist are important to understand as we navigate through today's society. It's crucial to be watchful and discerning, especially when it comes to charismatic political figures.

I encourage you to watch the full video and sign up for our blog, podcast, and YouTube Channel for more updates on Bible prophecy.

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