Showing posts with label Mark of the Beast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark of the Beast. Show all posts

Monday, March 20, 2023

Mark of the Beast 666 Part 2: Kabbalah and Number 666


Welcome to the second part of our series on the Mark of the Beast 666! In this video, we'll be examining Kabbalah's connection to different occult groups, and how they hold the numbers 6 and 666 as sacred numbers.

Kabbalah and the Messianic Age

Kabbalah looks at the number 666 as the number that will bring in the Messianic age, which we know is diametrically opposed to the Word of God. Revelation chapter 13 states that it will usher in a Luciferian age, where people will give worship the son of perdition, the Antichrist, and will worship the dragon, which is Satan.

Influence on Occult Groups

Kabbalah has influenced different occult groups such as Nazism, Freemasonry, the Theosophical Society with HP Blavatsky, and even the Temple of the Lehman with Aleister Crowley. Albert Pike, a famous Freemason and author, states in his book "Morals and Dogma" on page 626 that "Kabbalah is the key of the occult sciences and the Gnostics were born of the Kabbalah".

Deception of the Masses

Kabbalah will deceive masses of people into believing that this number will usher in the Messianic age and that it will be an age of peace. People will be deceived into giving their faith in this Luciferian system and will bring their souls to eternal damnation.

HP Blavatsky's book "The Secret Doctrine of Israel" in chapter 7 titled "The Coming of the Messiah" on page 146 states that the number 6 is connected to the son of David.

The Number 6 and Perfection

The number 6 is connected to imperfection, while the number 7 is the number of spiritual perfection, and the number 8 is the number of new beginnings and perfect completion. Jesus' name adds up to 888, which is the number of spiritual completion, resurrection, regeneration, and a new beginning.

When Jesus died on the cross, he said "it is finished" – everything was completed.

Gnosticism and Freemasonry

Gnosticism and Freemasonry look at Lucifer as the true god of this world, rather than Yahweh. They believe that Lucifer will usher in the age of mankind realizing that you can be a god or goddess.

Organizations like the Theosophical Society, the Temple of the Thelema, and even Mormonism promote this lie.

The Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:16-18 states that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark, even the name of the beast or the number of his name. The number 666 could represent the strength and perfection of the physical world, which Judaism teaches will occur in the Messianic era.

"Believe not the truth; they were given over to a strong delusion" – 2 Thessalonians 2:11

When people take on the mark of the beast, it will initiate them into Luciferianism. They will not be able to buy or sell and will have ownership over them.

Taking the mark on the right hand symbolizes authority while taking it on the forehead symbolizes the center of the mind.

The false prophet will preach that you can evolve into being a god yourself and that you can obtain Christ's consciousness. This is a lie from the pit.

The only way to obtain Christ's consciousness is through faith in Jesus Christ.


We must be wise and discerning in these last days, and be led by the Holy Spirit to know the wiles of the enemy. Don't be deceived by Kabbalah's lies about the number 666.

Taking on the mark of the beast will lead to eternal damnation, and there is no forgiveness. Watch our video to learn more, sign up for our blog, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay informed!

Mark of the Beast 666 Pt 1: Sun God Worship and Nimrod Origins of 666

Welcome to the Endtimeshofar Endtime Prophecy Blog and Channel! In our series of Mark of the Beast 666, Part 1 will be dealing with Sun God worship and Nimrod, the mystery religions, and the history of occultism and the one-world movement.

The Number 666

Pythagoras, a follower of the ancient mystery religion, said the number six was to the perfection of all the parts. According to the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh was two-thirds God and one-third man.

Two-thirds equals 66.6 and one-third equals to 33.3. The number 33.3 is important to Freemasons and the number 66.6 is recognized by the Illuminati as a sacred number. It goes all the way back to Nimrod and Sun God worship, who was known as the god of the child-Ian mysteries.

The Birth of the Beast System

Semiramis helped form the mystery religion or religious Babylon and Nimrod helped form the political and economic system of Babylon. The Beast system will encompass the political, economic, and religious spectrum.

According to the book Antichrist Osiris, the Bible implies it will take wisdom and insight to calculate his number.

The Sun God

The Sun traces a path through the sky moving through the constellation which the pagan astrologers count to be 36. If you add all the numbers between 1 and 36 you get 666.

The practitioner of the Kabbalah used a system known as the magic square which has 36 squares to meet with the watchers.

The Phoenix

The Phoenix represents the coming Savior and is worshipped as the morning star. In nearly every case, the number 666 adds our leads us back to the pagan Sun God.

"It is also known that when we translate many of the names of other cultures taking sun-god's into the Greek language of the New Testament and use this ancient numerology system, the names add up to 666."

The coming Antichrist will publicly attach himself to the ancient Sun God and the mythos of the mystery religions. It will publicly reinstate the number of the beast, which is equivalent to the number of the Sun 666.


The Book of Isaiah says it'll come a time when good will be called evil and evil will be called good. The Beast system is diametrically against the Kingdom of God and has its roots in ancient Mystery Babylon.

Watch the video to learn more and sign up/subscribe to our YouTube Channel and our Blog to stay up to date with the latest news!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Monster Energy Drink Symbol Has 666 on It: Fact or Fiction?

Fact or Fiction the Monster Energy Drink Symbol is 666?

In the last couple of years, their has been Youtube videos done , and stories written online that the symbol on the energy drink Monster is indeed 666. Is this really fact or fiction? Are people just exaggerating that the symbol is 666?

If you take a close look at the picture below, the Hebrew alphabet Vav has an numerical value of the number 6. So if take Vav Vav Vav, it would translate to the numerical value of 666(source). The Monster Energy Drink has an identical symbol on its cans Vav Vav Vav on them. How ironic that this is the symbol, being used to brand one of the most popular energy drinks in the entire world. 

It isn't a sin to drink a Monster Energy Drink, nor will you go to Hell for consuming one! However, Satan is using symbolism in almost all facets of society, to desensitize people on the soon coming Mark of the Beast. We must be able to rightfully discern the times we live in these last and evil days.    

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Israel Moves Towards Cashless Society

Article Source

JERUSALEM – Reducing the use of cash for everyday transactions will directly help Israel to fight tax evasion, and to eliminate money laundering.
On September 17th the Cabinet of Israel launched a new committee charged with the task of finding new means and measures of encouraging taxpayers to use of electronic payment methods instead of cash, as, it is believed, that the shift will help reduce the occurrence of tax evasion and unreported incomes.
Explaining the benefit of a “cashless” society, the appointed head of the committee Harel Locker said that a significant number of everyday transactions currently remain unreported and untaxed, however, expanding the uptake of electronic payment methods will increase tax authorities’ abilities to investigate tax evasion and to uncover activity on the underground economy.
The committee will initially look into the feasibility of introducing “fee-less electronic charge cards” to be used for everyday purchases and transactions, to be provided freely to anyone who currently receives welfare or to anyone who does not have a bank account.
Research will also be conducted into methods to restrict the use of checks, and to limit high-value cash transactions, while establishing new protocols for the sharing of information between the Tax Authority and the Authority for the Prohibition of Money Laundering.
The committee is scheduled to issue its first report to the prime Minister within 90 days.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Israel Rolls Out Voluntary Biometric Database(Is it a Pathway to the Mark of the Beast?)

Article Source

Beginning Monday, the new biometric database system goes into effect in test areas, with the first set to be Rishon Lezion. The system is planned to eventually replace identity cards, and will be mandatory, but for now, the system is voluntary. Residents of Rishon Lezion can register with the biometric database, with the information used to grant them access to government offices and other facilities where presenting an ID card is usually necessary.

Many Israelis are uncomfortable with the idea of the government's getting hold of such personal information – one of them being former minister Michael Eitan, who suggests that people simply ignore the system and refuse to register. “This is a struggle for the image of the state of Israel,” he said. “Will we be a free people that ensures privacy for its citizens, like other advanced countries, or will we become the leading 'police state,' keeping a constant watch on citizens,” Eitan said.
The system is voluntary, at least for now, Eitan said, “and as such I see absolutely no reason to participate in it and become the government's 'guinea pigs' in a project that will not do anything positive for Israel – not for the country, its citizens, or its security.”

The Knesset passed the Biometric Database Law in 2009, after long, drawn-out Knesset debates and numerous meetings of committees and sub-committees. The law authorizes the implementation and distribution of “smart cards” that will include biometric information on Israelis, replacing the current ID cards.

The law authorizes a two year long test period, with the project to be rolled out gradually in many locations around the country. According to a spokesperson for the Population Registry, the system supplies many benefits, such as preventing identity theft, and enabling access to many online services.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Famous Celebrities Throwing up 666 Hand-Sign(Hall of Hell)

Many in western society may view this hand sign as gesture of saying OK. But are many celebrities projecting  that everything is ok, or is there more to this symbol?  In the occult, when person has bent three fingers it is the shape of 666. One 6 represents the sun deity(Lucifer), the second 6 represents the Goddess (Mystery Babylon, The Mother of Harlots), and the third 6 is for the beast (anti-christ) or offspring (source/source).

Lady Gaga


Justin Timberlake

Johnny Deep

Andrew Bynum

Emma Watson

Lil' Wayne

Jim Jones

Justin Bieber

Corey Feldman



The Beatles

T Pain

Serving Satan and sin will get you a one way ticket to the "Lake":

You guess it, getting cast into the Lake of Fire!
One way ticket to eternal damnation! 

Mark 8:36

King James Version (KJV)
36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

So what does it really profit man or woman to gain money/wealth/fame only to his lose his or her soul? Is really worth it? Pray for these folks that they repent before it is to late! They need Jesus Christ right now!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Student Sues Over RFID Chip(Mark of the Beast or not?)

Source Huffington Post

AUSTIN, Texas -- To 15-year-old Andrea Hernandez, the tracking microchip embedded in her student ID card is a "mark of the beast," sacrilege to her Christian faith – not to mention how it pinpoints her location, even in the school bathroom.
But to her budget-reeling San Antonio school district, those chips carry a potential $1.7 million in classroom funds.
Starting this fall, the fourth-largest school district in Texas is experimenting with "locator" chips in student ID badges on two of its campuses, allowing administrators to track the whereabouts of 4,200 students with GPS-like precision. Hernandez's refusal to participate isn't a twist on teenage rebellion, but has launched a debate over privacy and religion that has forged a rare like-mindedness between typically opposing groups.
When Hernandez and her parents balked at the so-called SmartID, the school agreed to remove the chip but still required her to wear the badge. The family refused on religious grounds, stating in a lawsuit that even wearing the badge was tantamount to "submission of a false god" because the card still indicated her participation.
A state district judge had been expected to decide Wednesday whether Northside Independent School District could transfer Hernandez to a different campus. But the family's attorney said late Tuesday that the hearing was cancelled after the school district asked that the case be moved to federal court.
A new hearing hasn't been set.
"How often do you see an issue where the ACLU and Christian fundamentalists come together? It's unusual," said Chris Steinbach, the chief of staff for a Republican state lawmaker who has filed a bill to outlaw the technology in Texas schools.
The concept isn't new, but hasn't exactly caught on nationwide. In 2005, the American Civil Liberties Union raised concerns about a similar initiative at a California school. That same year, a suburban Houston school district began putting the chips in its student IDs, and served as the blueprint for Northside's pilot program that began this fall.
Ronald Stephens, executive director of the nonprofit National School Safety Center, said he didn't believe the technology to be widespread but predicted "it'll be the next wave" in schools. The chips use radio-frequency identification (RFID) transmitters and only work on campus.

The Northside school district spent roughly $261,000 to equip students at one high school and one middle school with SmartIDs, a decision made with safety and efficiency in mind, said district spokesman Pascual Gonzalez. Imagine quickly accounting for students in the event of a lockdown, he said, or cafeteria lines moving faster as scanners instantly identify who's picking up that lunch tray.
Yet the biggest motivation was financial. In Texas, school funding is based on daily attendance. The more students seated in homeroom when the first bell rings, the more state dollars the school receives. If a student is lingering in the hallway or the library when roll is called, the marked absence hurts the school's bottom line.
But with the locator chips – the district doesn't like to call them "tracking" – a clerk in the main office can find out if a student is elsewhere on campus, and if so, include them in the attendance count. Every student found amounts to another $30 in funding, based on the school's calculations. In that way, those moving red dots that represent students on the clerk's computer screen are like finding change in the couch cushions.
Gonzalez said the district has estimated another $1.7 million in funding if the program delivers on expectations, somewhat lessening the sting of losing $61.5 million after state lawmakers cut public school funding in Texas by nearly $5 billion last year.
"Nobody is sitting at a bank of monitors looking for the whereabouts of 3,000 students," Gonzalez said. "We don't have the personnel for it, nor do we have the need to do that. But when I need to find (a student), I can enter his random number and I can find him somewhere as a red dot on that computer screen. `Oh, there he is, in Science Room 22' or whatever. So we can locate students, but it's not about tracking them."
Hernandez's family isn't convinced. Nor is a Virginia-based civil rights group, The Rutherford Institute, which took up Hernandez's cause and filed the lawsuit against the district.
The organization declined to make the Hernandez family available for an interview Tuesday, before the Wednesday court hearing had been cancelled.
John Whitehead, the organization's founder, believes the religious component of the lawsuit makes it stronger than if it only objected on grounds of privacy. The lawsuit cites scriptures in the book of Revelation, stating that "acceptance of a certain code ... from a secular ruling authority" is a form of idolatry.
Wearing the badge, the family argues, takes it a step further.
"It starts with that religious concern," Whitehead said. "There is a large mark of Evangelicals that believe in the `mark of the beast.' "
Republican state Rep. Lois Kolkhorst has filed bills since 2005 to ban the chips in Texas public schools. Steinbach, her chief of staff, is hopeful the bill will now get more traction with the attention surrounding Hernandez's case.
Yet despite the lawsuit, proposed legislation and concern from outside groups, there are no signs of a groundswell of opposition in San Antonio from parents whose children have the chips in their campus IDs.
Gonzalez said that of the 4,200 students, the Hernandez family is the only one who has asked out of the program.

 What is the Meaning of 666/Mark of the Beast?

In E.W. Bullinger book "Number in Scripture," he states the following about 666: 

"When the name of Anti-Christ is known its gematria will doubtless be found be the number 666.Gematria is not a means by which the name is discovered; but it will be a test and a proof by which the name may identified after the person is revealed.  But the number has a far deeper reference to the connection of the secret mysteries of the ancient religions, which will be again manifested in connection with the last great apostasy. If six is the number of secular or human perfection, then 666 is therefore the culmination of human pride in independence of G-d and opposition to His Christ (source)." 

So 666 is culmination of human pride which totally rejects the will of G-d.  It is the culmination of the full manifestation of the mystery of iniquity. What is the mystery of iniquity? The mystery of iniquity is the primary satanic spirits working behind the scenes throughout human history preparing the way for a one world government and one world church for Satan Anti-Christ.

Are RFID Chips Part of 666 System ?