Showing posts with label false doctrine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label false doctrine. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Master Luciferian Prophet E. Bernard Jordan devilish doctrines"

Master Luciferian Prophet E. Bernard Jordan  was one of the keynote speakers for Bishop George Bloomer's The School of the Prophets this year, January 2-6, 2012 at Bethel Worship Center in Durham, North Carolina.  Other speakers include Prophet Brian J. Mosley, Dr. Belinda Scott, Prophet DJ Sinegal, and Prophetess Janet Floyd.   Jordan was just recently part of a Prophetic Summit hosted by Bloomer and Dr. Darrell Scott for Bloomer's program, "Rejoice in the Word" on The Word Network. Is E. Bernard Jordan a true prophet of God or is he a Luciferian false prophet?  Why would Bishop George Bloomer, the man known as "The General of Spiritual Warfare," be associated with Jordan?  Can Bloomer discern that Jordan is a false prophet?  Maybe Bloomer believes Jordan is a true Master Prophet? This expose' takes a objective look at E. Bernard Jordan and will examine the facts.

Jordan Mentor the Late Rev. Ike and Doctrines of Devils

E. Bernard Jordan's mentor was the late Reverend Ike pastor of The Palace Cathedral in Manhattan, New York. Ike teachings were primarily based on properity, the science of the mind, and the metaphysical. He adopted the teaching of Cosmic Ordering in the 1970s from Napoleon Hill.  Now what is Cosmic Ordering and where did it originate? Cosmic Ordering is the name given for positive thinking.  It is basically a doctrine that states that if a person thinks or writes down their wishes and waits for it, their wishes become a reality. These idea is connected to the New Age movement (source). The doctrine of Cosmic Ordering mirrors the New Age and New Thought teaching which promotes the practice of positive thinking. If a person has a positive mental attitude supported by affirmation then he or she will achieve success(source). Based on this information man is his own god, and he is able speak or create out of his own mind, independent from G-d.

Reverend Ike developed this mind science doctrine based on the teachings of Napoleon Hill.  Napoleon Hill, an American author, is famous for his best selling book "Think Rich Grow Rich."   It has sold millions of copies in English and most other major languages...over 20 million copies to be exact. His books have been viewed as motivational personal development and self help. Hills' books have not only influenced business men, sales people, entrepreneurs, and athletes, but  prominent Christian pastors such as Dr. Charles Stanley, and John C. Maxwell (source). But how did Napoleon Hill receive his information on writing such powerful books?  Did it come from Hill?  Or was it another source.

Napoleon Hill received the information he wrote in his best selling books from Ascended Masters, otherwise known as spirit guides.   In fact, in his book, "Grow Rich with Peace of Mind," he states that unseen spirits hovered over him, and that they gave him the materials and chapters for the book (source). 

Hill stated loud and clear that his ideas came from spirit entities.  He wrote the following:

" Now again I have evidence that unseen friends hover about me, unknowable to the ordinary senses. In my studies there is a group of strange beings who maintain a school of wisdom... The School has Masters who can disembody themselves and travel instantly to any place they choose... to give knowledge directly, by voices... Now I knew that one of these Masters had come across thousand of miles, through the night, into my study... I shall not set down every word he said... much of what he said already has been presented to you in the chapters of this book and will follow in other chapters. "You have earned the right to reveal a Supreme Secret to others," said the vibrant voice." You have been under the guidance of the Great School... Now you must give the world a blueprint(source)."

Both Napoleon Hill and Rev. Ike shared the belief that your destiny is in the power of your mind, whatever the mind conceives, just speak it into being. Your ability to create is by having a positive mind set, which you create wealth, health, success, happiness, all this through the power of the mind. This false gospel make people believe their god, and in control of everyhing by the power of the mind. In fact Rev. Ike taught his followers that man was god (source). 

The kind of wisdom that Hill and Rev. Ike write and teach about is devilish and demonic. James 3:15 says, "This wisdom descendeth not above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish." As a true saints of G-d we all need to flee such heretical teaching and hold fast to true Biblical teaching.

Jordan Occult Teaching of The Law of Attraction

Here is Master Luciferian Prophet E. Bernard Jordan teaching on "The Law of Attraction" from his book "The Laws of Thinking: 20 Secrets to Using the Divine Power of Your Mind to Manifest Prosperity."  One may ask what is The Law of Attraction?  It is basically a metaphysical belief that "likes attract," and that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative results (source/source). The phrase, "law of attraction" appears first  in Hinduism, and in a book of esoteric mysteries written by Madame Helena Blavatsky(source).  Madame Blavatsky is the founder of Theosophy, a religion that worships Lucifer as god plus mankind.  She is known as the mother of the modern New Age Movement. The phrase "law of attraction" appears in the writings of Theosophical authors William Quan Judge and Annie Besant. Besant claimed that the law of attraction is form of karma.  Jordan prescribes himself to New Thought, which mirrors theosophy (source). In reality New Thought is just New Age with another face.  It is luciferianism following the practice and doctrines of Lucifer/Satan.  This all makes Jordan a Luciferian prophet, transforming himself into false light posing as a Christian prophet.

This "law of attraction" that Bernard Jordan teaches and writes about is taught and written by Esther and Jerry Hicks also.  The Hicks are two new age gurus who channeled a spirit called Abraham, and received their information from this spirit entity (source). Notice that Jordan's teaching of the law of attraction is not inspired by the Holy Spirit, but by vain philosophies inspired by demons. The law of attraction is a doctrine of devils that originated from the occult. Saints, please don't let false prophets corrupt you with the teachings of the doctrines of devils. If there were any time that the Church needed spiritual discernment it is now.

Colossians 2:8 says, "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." Is Bishop Bloomer opening the door to E. Bernard Jordan to allow him to spoil the saints with philosophy and vain deceit by having him speak at these Prophetic Summits?  Can Bloomer discern that Jordan teaches doctrines of devils?

Ye Shall Be as gods: New Age Teaching is Old Age Lie

The New Age teaching that man is god is an old-age lie that the Serpent told Eve in the Garden of Eden.  He told that that once she and Adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge of God and Evil in Genesis 3:5 that they would be as gods. In the video above, Master Luciferian Prophet Jordan is teaching the Laws of Thinking and The Law of Becoming.  He states that when you declare,  "I am," you become god. This is a blasphemous statement.  Jordan is quoting from his book  "The Laws of Thinking: 20 Secrets to Using the Divine Power of Your Mind to Manifest Prosperity" (source).  Even in the introduction of his book "The Laws of Thinking: 20 Secrets to Using the Divine Power of Your Mind to Manifest Prosperity" he promotes the heretical teaching of Orison Swett Marden book, "The Miracle of Right Thought" on his ministries website Zoe Ministries (source).  Marden was a writter associated with the New Thought Movement and he also believed that man was divine and a god(source, source, source). These writings and teachings of both Jordan and Marden are both blasphemous and an abomination.

Jordan's Law of Becoming comes from the "pit of Hell," and sounds just like the Serpent/Satan in the Garden of Eden.  This isn't sound Bible doctrine, it is occult doctrine. Madame H.P. Blavatsky writes in her book "Secret Doctrine" that mankind is god, and self-redeemed (source). This is a clear cut proof that Jordan, just as Marden and Blavatsky, received this information from a satanic source.

Let the Energy of the Chakras Arise the Fiery Serpent in You 

 Jordan incorporates the Hindu yoga applications chakras in his book(source). Ex-ministries in August of 2011, did a wonderful expose' on Jordan called "E. Bernard Jordan: Master of the Hindu-verse, possesser of strange power," which exposes Jordan mixing Hinduism with Christianity. This is called pantheism.

The concept chakra comes from the yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. It is said that the body has seven chakras in it. Yoga is the vehicle used to balance the chakras. The main goal of yoga is to awaken Kundalini, or the fiery serpent power that is wrapped around the spinal cord (source). What is serpent power?  Isn't Satan called the Great Serpent? Jordan's fellow luciferian occultist H.P. Blavatsky states in her book "The Secret Doctrine" that Yahweh isn't the "One," and Lucifer is the "One" more superior than Yahweh. She states that the names of Lucifer is known as Dragon of Wisdom, the Dragon, Satan, and The Fiery Serpent (source). Notice that one of the names for Lucifer is Fiery Serpent. Also pay attention to the fact that in Yoga the goal is to awaken the kundalini or fiery serpent to obtain divine wisdom /self knowledge.  Satan since the garden, is always attempting to get man to obtain knowledge outside of the authority of G-d.

With all this being said, my word to Bishop Bloomer is simply this: E. Bernard Jordan is a Luciferian Prophet that operates under a occult spirit and not the Holy Spirit. Would the Apostle Paul invite the woman with spirit of divination to speak at the Prophetic Summit or the School of the Prophets? The answer would be a resounding no!  Ephesians 5:11 says, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."  Bishop Bloomer, by embracing Jordan, is in fellowship with an agent of the kingdom of darkness. Jordan preaches another "gospel," therefore he is accursed(Galatians 1:8-9).

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Truth & History of Tattoos: Christian Perspective

Pic of False Prophet/Profit Todd Bentley Tattoos

Tattoos in today's society are quite popular.  One in 10 Americans have tattoos, and one - third of 25 to 30 year old in America have tattoos (here).  Church folks are even getting tattoos because of the influence of today’s culture. We will explore the truth about tattoos, how they originated, what they symbolize, the biblical perspective on tattoos, and the possible health risks.
Leviticus 19:28 says, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord." The act of tattooing includes tribal markings dedicated to a particular person’s tribal deity. The tattoo was originally a sign of alliance and worship to an idol god. Therefore, tattooing originates from pagan demonism, idol worship, and the magical arts of the occult world.

Tattooing-Magic and  Demons 
Tattooing was a method used by pagans such as sorcerers and pagan priests. Sorcerers used the method of tattooing to pass on their powers or demons to a disciple or descendant.  A Tattooists in paganism are much like a shamans or occult priests.  They are a point of contact to the spirit world.  In Michelle Delio's states on page eight of her book, "Tattoo: The Exotic Art of Skin Decoration," that tattooing is all about personalizing the body to making it a true home and fit temple for the spirit to dwell inside. The Apostle Paul said in First Corinthians that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit  for those are in the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Likewise in tattooing the body is a temple to a spirit/demonic spirit.

A perfect example of  tattooing and the act of passing down magical powers to a disciple or descendant is television series, "Smallville."  In the episode, "Spell", the character Lana Lang has a spell book from one of her ancestors.  She becomes possessed by the spirit of her ancestor (really a demon spirit), and assumes the magical powers of her ancestor. It seems Hollywood's entertainment industry is well versed in the knowledge of the occult and its promotion. They know the reality of the occult spirit world and tattooing.

A pastor once told me a story of a woman who was at one of his church services.  The woman ended up responding to the altar call after the sermon stating that she wanted the "baptism of the Holy Spirit."  She was having a hard time receiving the Baptism when he noticed that her tongue was pierced.  He told me that the Holy Spirit spoke to him and to tell the woman to remove her tongue ring.  She did and guess what?  She received the Holy Spirit! Several days later, the woman brought five thousand dollars worth of body piercing and tattooing equipment to the church.  When she spoke to the pastor she told hm that she was into Satanism.  She confessed that she and her friends would pray satanic prayers over their body piercing and tattooing equipment to invoke demon spirits on the people getting the tattoos.  She asked the pastor to dispose of the equipment which he did with extreme pleasure.

United States History on Tattoos

Concerning the history of the United States, tattoos have always signified rebellion in a society with criminals, adulterers, traitors, and the deviant. Many prisoners and criminal gangs have used and continue to use tattoos to indicate criminal behavior, prison sentences, and organizational affiliation. In the beginning of the late 1990’s the lower back tattoos became popular with young woman. It’s intent was to emphasis sexual attractiveness. However, some consider this type of tattoo as sign of promiscuity and indication of the "raunch" culture. Hence, the nicknames "tramp stamp" (a.k.a "slut) and "dirty girl" tattoo.
In parts of Britain adultery was punished by tattooing. In the army deserters were tattooed with the letter "D".

Yes indeed the popularity of tattooing in American society has grown by leaps and bounds. However, corporate American doesn't look to favorably on tattoos. In in poll done by Careerbuilders found the following:

Over 42 percent of managers said their opinion of someone would be lowered by that person's visible body art. (Personally, I think that the actual figure is much higher.)

Three out of four respondents believe that visible tattoos are unprofessional.

Employers aren't legally bound if they tell someone not to reveal tattoos at the workplace, or to keep tattoos covered up isn't illegal. In survey done by employers and employees were asked the question about body piercing and tattoos in the workplace. Sixty percent of the employers were less than likely than to hire someone with body piercings and tats, because on how the company image maybe tarnished. An individual may see it as self-expression, but an employer sees it as rebellious, bringing attention to yourself, and not a team player(here).

Health Consequences on Getting Tattoos

There are many health concerns when it comes to tattooing. There is a possibility of contracting deadly blood -borne diseases including but not limited to; AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, tetanus, syphilis, and tuberculosis(here).
Tattoo parlors are not held to the same health regulations as a health care practitioner office. Many of the parlors cater to customers that are somewhat deviant and already carrying some type of disease.
Tattooing opens your body up to infections, diseases, and scarring, which can have a devastating effect to a person’s overall health. Tattoos can also cause person to have chronic skin disorders such as sarcoid, keloid scarring, allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, benign and malignant tumors. In some cases people suffer an allergic reaction from the tattoo ink(here).

1990s sex symbol and Baywatch television star Pamela Anderson,  is the prime example of the health dangers of tattooing, after contracting hepatitis C(serious liver disease), she got disease by sharing a tattoo needle with her ex-husband rock star Tommie Lee.

What Would Jesus Do(WWJD) on Tatttoos

If you are someone who received a tattoo in ignorance before you became saved or after getting saved, I am not saying that you are not saved, you did out of ignorance. However, we are trying to teach the youth and babes in Christ in today’s church not get caught up in the culture of the world. Our purpose is to enlighten and educated the church in the way of holiness (Leviticus 10:10-11).

Some may say will Endtimeshofar, that is Old Testament scripture, were not under the "law or the Old Testament," were under the New Testament and grace. Your outdated and out of touch of what is going on in today times, even in  the Book of Revelation(Revelation 19:16) Jesus has a tattoo on his thigh that says He is the "Lord of lords and Kings of kings." This is false teaching to any one  who teaches this is heresy, Jesus would never have a tattoo, because He is Jewish number one, and number two He came to fulfill the Torah(Law) and not destroy the Torah(Law), three He would be in direct violation of Torah(here). Even with that being said, someone that got tattoos before getting saved shouldn't continue to get tattoos(this is called repentance), or even some young person thinking about getting a tattoo because it is culturally relevant needs to take not just look at Leviticus 19:28 scripture into account, but Exodus 20:4 put a graven image on your body whether or not it is a Christian tattoo it violates the Word of God. Again our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. So why would you want to violate "the Word" and your body?

Let us not learn the way of the heathen (Jeremiah 10:2), but fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). We’re in Babylon, but Babylon is not in our hearts (1 John 2: 15-16).