Sunday, July 15, 2012

Last Days Spiritual Famine and Spiritual Eating Disorders

Amos 8:11 says, ” Behold the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not famine of bread, nor thirst for water, but hearing the words of the Lord.”
In these current days the American Church does not suffer from famine for water, bread or even “preaching”, but a famine of hearing the Word of the Lord. American Heritage Dictionary defines famine as, “a drastic and wide-reaching shortage of food. A drastic shortage; dearth.” The Hebrew word for famine is ra’ab(raw-awb) which means “hunger”, “dearth”, “famine”.
All across America people are going to church. And on the surface with mega-churches showing membership of 5,000-20,000 plus members, major church conferences generating revenue for conference registration, ministry product sales, special seed offerings for prophetic word or healing, super-star preachers and gospel recording stars, it all seems to have all the worldly success (Revelation 3:14-20). People are following the most popular preaching and teaching that the church world has to offer. However, people aren’t hearing the Word of the Lord. They are hearing things that cater to their carnality, and not the spiritual man. Preachers that give the Word of the Lord are supposed to reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine (2 Timothy 4:2). They are to do whatever is needed to be expressed by the Spirit of God if the congregation needs a message of correction, rebuked, or encouragement to build the saints up spiritually. But most church goers have itching ears; they don’t want sound doctrine that will bring repentance and maturity and impact the world with the gospel, while transforming them into the image of the Son of God Christ Jesus. The American Church are more consumers, in that they want to go to a church that fits their specific selfish wants and desires, versus being consumed with the passion and fire of God to advance the kingdom of God. They have no want to be a vessel that will follow heavenly assignment to have an impact in the earth like Jesus did.

Don’t be deceived into thinking that a large membership roster or the place where all secular celebrities claim membership make a great church. You know, the place that Christian celebrities go to sing and preach. However, if Jesus and His Word aren’t being celebrated, and you’re not seeing a visible change in the life of the people, and people do not turn from sin, then it is obvious that Church is quite possibly in major state of “spiritual famine.”
Let’s examine spiritual famine (starvation), and spiritual eating disorders of spiritual anorexia nervosa, spiritual bulimia nervosa, spiritual binge eating. This examination will see if somebody is getting a healthy spiritual diet, or is starving spiritually and has spiritual eating disorder that may cause spiritual death.

Spiritual Famine

Just because a person is going to a church does not mean he or she is properly eating spiritually. If the Word is not being preached and taught, and s/he is sitting under pseudo psychological preaching and teaching, or vain man made philosophical preaching or teaching, it is not Christ-centered. It is man-center. If it is man-center then spiritual famine reigns over that church, it is spiritually immature and unproductive, and influence by the flesh and satanic powers.

Characteristics of people who are in spiritually famine

1. They do not see the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit reigning in their life (Galatians 5:22:23). Instead, there would be the manifestation of the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21).
2. A spiritual famine person hates eating the “bread of life” which is the Word of God and consumed by serpents/demonic powers (Numbers 21:5-6).
3. They have an uncircumcised ear to hear the Lord (Jeremiah 6:10). You can’t have faith in God if you can’t hear Him (Romans10:17)!
4. They love lies instead of the truth (Jeremiah 5:31).
5. They are prideful. They walk in agreement with other people in the same famine condition (Amos 3:3).
6. Idols reign in their heart (Ezekiel 14:3). They are naked and blind and live in self-deception that they are spiritually minded (Revelation 3:17).
Spiritual Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is when person is below normal body weight, starve themselves, and have excessive weight loss.
A person that suffers from spiritual anorexia nervosa refuses to eat good spiritual food coming from the Word of God. They go through the motions of religion, and never come to eat of the Master’s body and drink of His blood (John 6:50-53). These people starve themselves from studying the Word, and applying the Word to daily life. Therefore, they suffer spiritually, not maintaining a “healthy spiritual weight” of knowledge and wisdom of God, zeal, ministry, living upright, witnessing, having love, joy, peace, patience, discipline, self-control (temperance), and active participant in the kingdom of God.
Spiritual Bulimia

Bulimia is eating disorder that is a cycle of eating large portions of food, and then causing self-induced vomiting of that food.
A person who has spiritual Bulimia sits under great preaching or teaching where truth is revealed by hearing the Word and refuses to apply that Word and/or repent. Because they intake the Word, and do not apply it or make necessary changes in their lives, these individuals “vomit out” life changing Word. If they had continued to walk in that Word they would have produced spiritual life. A person that returns back to foolishness, is like dog that returns back to its vomit (Proverbs 26:11, 2 Peter 2:21-22). Unfortunately they don’t maintain the Word which is good food, but vomit out the good food, only go back to eat the vomit of sin and mediocrity which equals spiritual starvation. The end result is spiritual death. The only thing that needs to be purged is sin. The Word gives us spiritual health.

Binge Eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder is compulsive over eating. These individuals typically hide food, eat rapidly, and stuff themselves until they’re sick.
An individual who suffers from a “spiritual binge eating disorder”, goes from conference to conference, reads a lot of Christian books, watches a bunch of Christian television, attends seminars where they take a lot of notes, have stuffed themselves with a lot of information. However, they do not utilize it to be blessing to kingdom of God. Instead they hide their talent (Matthew 25:25). They are so stuffed with information, they fail to use it to edify the spiritual body (Ephesians 4:12).

Spiritual famine and spiritual eating disorders can be avoided if an ear is given to hear what the Spirit has to say (Revelation 3:13). There is no need to run to and fro from every prophesy line to get a prophetic word from some false prophet who wants to profit off of you (unscriptural/Amos 8:12). You have more sure word of prophecy that is within the Holy scriptures (2 Peter 1:19-21)!
Let the Chief Shepherd Jesus and His under shepherds (Pastors) feed you, and you never have to go a day without being in a spiritual famine. Ezekiel 34:23,25 says, “And I will setup one shepherd over them, and he will feed them, even my servant David; he will feed them, and he will be their shepherd. And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beast to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods.” By being taught, and receiving the Word, the Lord will make a covenant of peace, that the evil beast (demons) will cease control of your marriage, family, children, health, finance, and your ministry. You will live in peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Famous African-American(Black) Freemason

Shaq says he is a Freemason

Rev. Jesse Jackson Freemason and CFR(Council of Foreign Relations) Member

Rev. Al Sharpton Freemason

Legendary Singer Nat King Cole Freemason

Kwesi Mfume former NAACP President and Freemason

Scottie Pippen NBA World Champion Freemason

W.E.B. Du Bois Freemason

Here is a list of other Famous Black Freemasons click here to view the list.


Is Freemasonry a religion?

Is the Lodge a Temple?

Can a person be a Christian and a Freemason?

Is masonry a social club or a secret society?

What does the Bible say about taking oaths?

Does freemasonry accept all religions?

What was Albert Pike view of Blacks becoming Freemasons?

We will examine all the above questions, in a soon coming article.  

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Days of Noah: Same-Sex Marriage End-Time Sign

Same-sex marriage is widely being accepted in societies all over the world. Just a couple of months ago President Barak Obama stated he believed it was okay for same-sex couples to marry.  Recently the nation of Denmark legalized a same-sex marriage bill in Parliament 85-24 making them the eighth European country to legalize it, and eleventh country overall (source). The bill in Denmark now makes it legal for the Lutheran Church of Denmark to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.  In Great Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron and his political party are pushing to legalize same-sex marriage in the United Kingdom (here).

Jesus Christ Spoke About the Days of Noah 

I wrote an article about the days of Noah and same-sex marriage entitled, "Jesus, the Days of Noah, and Same-Sex Marriage"  in February 27, 2010 for the blog, "Gay Christian Movement Watch" (  It was one of the first documented articles of its kind that dealt with how same-sex marriage is nothing new and was prevalent in the days of Noah.

Ironically, Jesus said in Luke 17:26-30, “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when Son of man is revealed.”

Jesus being a first century Rabbi, like most Jewish teachers, coupled Sodom with the flood generation as a typical image of evil.  His intent was to inform his audience that at His second coming the conditions of the world would mirror Noah’s days and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Jewish Writings, Days of Noah and Same-Sex Marriage

The Midrash Rabbah Genesis is a specific form of rabbinic literature of ancient Judaism commentaries of the Hebrew Scriptures. It is based on the interpretation of the Torah (Old Testament). It speaks about the subject of same-sex marriage during the days of Noah.
The rabbis wrote in the Midrash Rabbah Genesis that the flood in Noah’s day was primarily triggered when males starting writing marriage deeds with other males, and between men and beasts (bestiality).  Based on the account of Midrash Rabbah Genesis, same-sex marriages took place during the days of Noah. There was nothing new under the sun and this is stated by Solomon in Ecclesiastes 1:9.  Lot, in Sodom and Gomorrah, is synonymous with the destruction of the flood generation in Midrash Rabbah Genesis.  It states that Lot pleaded all night for mercy for the Sodomites, and that the angels permitted him to plead for them.  But once the people said, “… bring them out [the angels] so we may have sex with them,” mercy ran out. The angels told Lot, “for now on you have no right to plead anymore.”  Judgment was sent upon Sodom.  Flood water was the judgment of God on the people in Noah’s day.  Fire and brimstone was the judgment against Sodom and Gomorrah.

The book of Enoch was written before the birth of Christ and although it is not an inspired book, it is a good resource.  Parts of it are quoted in Jude 14-15. 2nd Enoch 34-1, 3-4 states,

“God convicts the persons who are idol worshipers and sodomite fornicators, and for this reason he brings down the flood upon them. And all the world will be reduced to confusion by iniquities, wickedness and abominable fornications. That is, friend with friend in anus, every other kind of wicked uncleanness which is almost too disgusting to report, and the worship of the evil one. And that is why I shall bring down the flood onto the earth, and shall destroy everything, and the earth itself will collapse in great darkness.”

Second Enoch states that perverse homosexual relationships were the main cause of the flood.  Both Midrash Rabbah Genesis and the second book of Enoch state that God frowns on homosexuality in cultic prostitution, and in so-called “loving consensual” homosexual relationships. So don’t believe the liberal Christian theologians, gay-affirming churches and inclusionists. Homosexuality and same-sex marriage are an abomination in God’s eyesight.

In 2008 on the radio program Faith2Action host Janet Porter had guest Rabbi Aryeh Spero verified that the Babylonian Talmud, a book written 1000 years before Christ, states that men began to write marriage contracts to other men (homosexual marriage) in the days of Noah.  Rabbi Spero went on to say that G-d was compassionate. That He was patient, and  gave the people of that day a hundred and twenty years to repent.  Spero went on to say, “Even in ancient Greece they did not write marriage contracts between men. There was homosexuality, and it was wrong, but there was not an official ‘blessed’ policy. … Marriage is ‘sanctification’ (not simply a partnership).” He said to confer the title of sanctification and holiness upon this behavior is “probably one of the greatest sins of all that one does against God’s plan for this world (source).”

We are definitely in the last days that Jesus spoke about!  In the Book of Revelation, the Apostle John wrote that there would be an explosion of fornication during the Tribulation period.  There will come a time when the heart of men will become so hard that they will not repent and they will be given over to a reprobated mind.

Revelation 9:20-21

King James Version (KJV)
20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.


Friday, June 8, 2012

14 Principles of Godly Fatherhood

Father’s Day is on Sunday June 17th. It’s a special day of the year that we celebrate fatherhood. In the Kingdom of God, Fatherhood is very important. In fact, the role of the father has been an important position since the days of ancient Israel. Fathers were highly regarded and were the primary dominant role in patriarch society. Today, despite carnal influences, the role of the father in the Kingdom of God continues to be a ministry and a privilege in which the father’s role is a leader, protector, provider, teacher, priest, and prophet.

Ancient Jewish Father Responsibility to His Children

In ancient Israel the father was primarily responsible for the four following things: 1. bringing his son into covenant relationship with God through circumcision on the eighth day after birth, 2. teaching his children the Word of God, 3. choosing a mate and 4, teaching his son a trade. It was said by Jewish fathers that a man that didn’t teach his son a trade was teaching him to be a thief. Jesus’ trade was carpentry. Paul’s trade was making tents. Each were trained by their earthly fathers to master a trade to help support themselves and possibly a family. The father played prominent role by establishing his family’s covenant relationship with God and establishing his family's identity. He also played a crucial role in teaching his daughter how a man must provide for her and treat her. He also taught his son how to be a godly example and man of God.

Fourteen Principles of Fatherhood in the Kingdom

Jacob/Israel Blessing His 12 Sons

1. The father is a priest of his home. and prays for his wife and children. He goes to God as an intercessor on behalf of his household (John 17:1, Ephesians 6:18). In Job 1:5, Job offered sacrifices in behalf of his sons and interceded for them in case they sinned against God.

2. A father must teach his family the difference between holy and the unholy, to not be conformed to ways of the world and to avoid ungodly influences (Leviticus 10:8-11; Judges 14:3; Proverbs 13:20; Proverbs 28:7; 1 John 2:15-17 ).

3. A father and grandfather should lay hands on his children or grandchildren and pray a blessing of the Lord over each child’s life (Genesis 48:11-22, Genesis 49).

4. As a teacher, a father must instill the Word of God inside the house and make sure his children are disciplined in the study of the Word and prayer as a vital part of their children’s spiritual training for the Kingdom ( Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Proverbs 22:6).

5. A father should teach his children to be obedient and know how to discipline his children when they do wrong. This ensures that bad behavior won’t be repeated or become a habit in the life of his children ( Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 23:14; Hebrews 12:5-10).

6. When a father corrects his children, it must be done in love and not with harshness and bitterness that would provoke his children to bitterness and hatred. A father should never show favoritism of one child over the other. This can cause possible division within the home. A father also needs to make sure that he spends quality time with his children so that they won’t resent him for not giving them some time ( Ephesians 6:4 ; Colossians 3:21).

7. A father should dedicate his children to the Lord at a early age( Luke 2:22).

8. A father should inquire of the Lord a prophetic word for all his children and then speak prophetically into their live. Without prophetic revelation our children will perish (Proverbs 29:18). A father is the prophet of his household. The father should speak into his children’s life concerning future occupation and ministry purpose in the Kingdom of God ( Genesis 49; Luke 1:10-17, Luke 1:59-79).

9. A father needs to teach his family to serve and love God as well as keep his commandments with their whole heart. He must teach his family that serving the Lord is trans-generational. Also, salvation is a trans-generational promise to all family members that continue in the Word and follow Jesus. A father needs to teach his children this. The blessings of the Lord can be trans-generational also to those that obey and keep the Word of God. They must stress to their children that they need to pass on the need of salvation from generation to generation ( Genesis 26:3-5; Exodus 6:3; Joshua 24:15; Acts 2:39).

10. A father who is just and walks integrity, his children are blessed after him (Proverbs 20:7).

11. Fathers should teach and steer his children away from all sexual immorality encouraging them to keep their chastity (Proverbs 5:1-23, Proverbs 29:3).

12. A good father that gives his substance unto the Lord, works diligently, and invest and saves his money leaves an inheritance to his children’s children (Proverbs 13:22).

13. A father should teach his children that God loves them and has specific purpose for their life (Luke 1:13-17; Romans 8:29-30; 1 Peter 1:3-9).

14. Father should instruct his children the importance of being born again (John 3:5; Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 5:17).

When the hearts of men are turned towards their children and they walk in the divine calling and principles of fatherhood, they avoid being smitten with a curse upon the earth (Malachi 4:6). In today’s time much of the social ills of children could be avoided, if godly fatherhood/parenting was in place.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Strong Fathers Produce Strong Healthy Daughters

Here at "End-Time Prophecy Watch" we will be doing a series of articles on fatherhood, due to Father's Day being celebrated on Sunday June 17,  2012.  Dr. Meg Meeker has done an outstanding presentation called "Stronger Dads, Stronger Daughters." Please take out the time to view six part video presentation done by Dr. Meeker. . 

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6