Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Joel Osteen Visits Pope Francis: Joel Road to a One World Church or Not?

Pastor Joel Osteen of the Lakewood Mega- Church in Houston, Texas has exhibit qualities that he is heading down the ecumenical road of pantheism, and to partake in the One World Religion that Revelation 13 speaks about. We here at "End-Time Prophecy Watch," in times past have covered Osteen lack of sound Biblical doctrine of The Word of God.  Back in 2012 when Republican Presidential Candidate  Mitt Romney who is a Mormon, was running for office, Joel Osteen was interviewed by Fox News during this time about Romney being Christian or not. He was asked the question about Romney and the Mormon Church were Christians or not, in which he stated that Mormons are Christians(here). Mormons aren't Christians! They don't believe in the Jesus of the Bible! But old Joel thinks they do! Now Osteen has linked up with Pope Francis, which is another sign he is headed down the broad road of inclusive of all religions,  Jesus called this "the broad road of destruction" in Matthew 7:13-14. Following Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, is exclusive, and not inclusive. Jesus stated Himself, that He is the only way to Heaven.

Osteen on last week made a trip to Vatican to meet Pope Francis, where he stated the following about Pope Francis:

  “I love the fact that’s he’s made the Church more inclusive,” he said. “Not trying to make it smaller, but to try to make it larger—to take everybody in. So, that just resonates with me.” (here).

Is Joel Osteen headed down a wrong way street of a One World Church? Are the people following Osteen headed down the ecumenical road of a One World Religion?

Please takeout the time to do survey outside of this article!  


  1. What would you say if the "One World Religion" turns out to be a corrected form of Christianity?

    1. Are you taking the writings of Alice Bailey founder of Lucis Trust that a One World Religion maybe the correct form of Christianity?

    2. I want nothing to do with it. Yahweh said to have no other gods beside/before him. One world says worship who or what you want.

      Jesus said he is THE way, THE truth, and THE life. No one can get to the father except by/through him. One world says there are many paths to Heaven. If this is so, why would God the Father send his only begotten son to die a painful death? Why is Christianity the only religion that gives assurance of what happens to people when they die?

  2. I voted yes based on Joel's past comments. It is possible his comments were taken out of context. Depending on which article one reads about Pope Francis he may have or may have not been promoting the One World Religion. We know that he is because he said Muslims and atheists can go to heaven. The Quran says the Muslims do not know where they go when they die so how can Pope Francis be so sure?

    I really want to like this Pope because of the good he is doing but a lot of his comments and actions make me think he is the Beast's spokesperson. Some Muslims believe Obama is the Mahdi (AntiChrist Leader of the Beastly System) and I am starting to think he is. That makes me sad.

    Friends, the time is very short and God has opened many doors for spreading the gospel. Take the opportunities he gives you!

    1. T.W. you make some very valid points!

    2. Thank you. I want to thank you for doing valuable work in God's kingdom. Perhaps someone will read and come to repentance..
