Showing posts with label 666 and Kabbalah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 666 and Kabbalah. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Superman: Sun-god and Antichrist Mark of the Beast 666- Part 1


By Shofarsound

Few are as iconic and universally recognized as Superman in the vast pantheon of superheroes. With his vibrant red cape billowing behind him as he soars through the sky, Superman has become a symbol of hope, justice, and invincibility. Yet, beneath the surface of this beloved character lies a fascinating connection to ancient mythologies—the notion of Superman as a modern incarnation of a sun god. Join us as we delve into this captivating interpretation that infuses the Man of Steel with an aura of celestial divinity.


Superman: The Embodiment of Solar Power:


Throughout history, various cultures have worshipped sun gods, attributing to their attributes of power, life-giving energy, and invincibility. In many ways, Superman embodies these qualities:


Solar Energy Absorption: Superman's power comes from Earth's yellow sun, granting him extraordinary abilities. This concept mirrors the idea of sun gods drawing strength from the sun's radiant energy.

 Life-Giving Force: In numerous mythologies, the sun is associated with the source of life on Earth. Superman, too, is portrayed as a protector and savior of humanity, shielding it from threats and ensuring its safety.

Ancient Parallels:


When examining Superman's characteristics and narrative, intriguing parallels emerge between the Man of Steel and various sun gods from mythology:


Apollo (Greek Mythology): Apollo, the Greek god of the sun, was renowned for his strength, healing abilities, and connection to prophecy. Similarly, Superman possesses incredible strength, has the power of self-healing, and is often portrayed as possessing a keen sense of justice.(1)


Ra (Egyptian Mythology): Ra, the Egyptian sun god, was associated with creation, life, and protection. Much like Ra, Superman's role in protecting Earth from threats aligns with this symbolism of guardianship. (2)


Huitzilopochtli (Aztec Mythology): Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec sun god, was revered as the deity who protected his people in times of conflict. Superman's role as Earth's protector draws parallels to this aspect of guardian deities. (3)

So, is the Man of Steel like Jesus Christ or a Sun God?

 Is Superman Really a Sun God?

In Superman: The Last God of Krypton by Walt Simonson, Greg Hildebrandt, and Tim Hildebrandt, published in 1999. A Kryptonian god named Cythonna(the villain) awakens to find Krypton destroyed and seeks out the last remaining member of its civilization. She discovers Superman on Earth and, after a display of his power, believes him to be a god-like her. The two later have an altercation when Cynthonna realizes Clark is mortal, only growing more outraged when he tells her he belongs to the House of El. Cythonna tells Clark that the Els are the descendants of her greatest enemy, Rao, the Kryptonian sun god. (Souce)


 While this look at Clark's celestial heritage came from an Elseworld story, it would help explain why Superman is as powerful as he is. Fans already know that the inhabitants of Krypton gain powers when exposed to yellow sun rays, as seen with Clark, Kara, and even Krypto. But the father of Clark's house is Rao, the most powerful figure in the Kryptonian pantheon. Rather than his biology, the Man of Steel's steadily increasing levels of power could be credited to his divine bloodline and bathing himself in the rays that Rao is connected to. Perhaps Superman's trip to the solar system wasn't a last-ditch effort to save him but a matter predetermined by the gods of Krypton. (Source)

 Famed comic book writer and Chaos Magician Grant Morrison had this eye-opening statement that Superman doesn’t represent Jesus Christ, but a mythical sun god. Morrison’s quote from an interview with Zach Smith in 2008, called Allstar Superman:” Superman is by no means a pacifist in the Christ sense. Superman would never turn the other cheek; Superman punches out the bully. Superman is a fighter. When did Christ ever batter the Devil through a mountain? A lot of the mythical sun god elements which are layered unto the Christ story also appear in the story of Superman.” (4)

 What is the Association Between The Sun, Sun Gods, and 666?

Within the mystery religion circles and the occult, esoteric knowledge, and teachings, the Sun and Sun gods have connections with the number 666, which in the Bible in the Book of Revelation is the Mark of the Beast(The Son of Perdition, The Beast, The Antichrist).  

In astrology, the sun is associated with the number 666. Some astrologers know that 666 is the summary number of the sun god. The sun itself traces a path through the sky, moving through the constellations, which the pagan astrologers count to 36. If you add all the numbers together between 1 and 36, you get 666. (Source)   

666 in Kabala is also associated with the sun. In Hebrew Kabbalah, the names of the Intelligence of the Sun and the Spirit of the Sun were designed to equal 111 and 666, respectively. (Source

The number six within Kabbalah is also considered the solar number, but the number of man, because man was created on the sixth day. 666 is looked at as the number of man raised by virtue of the Trinity( special note: Satanic Trinity The Dragon/Satan, Antichrist/ First Beast, and The False Prophet/Second Beast in Revelation 13) to the highest degree; as Revelation tells us that it not only the number of the Beast but also the number of a man. (Source

Notice how, within the pagan occult world, they turn the Bible upside down, calling evil good and good evil. Most people believe that Hollywood portrays Superman as a type of Jesus Christ figure, but in reality, Superman is more or less the Antichrist. We will explore more on this subject in a later blog post series. 





4.  All-Star Memories: The All-Star Superman Companion, The Grant Morrison Interview by Zach Smith. P.45


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Mark of the Beast 666 and All-Seeing Eye


We will be discussing the topic of the Mark of the Beast 666 and the All-Seeing Eye. Have you ever wondered about the symbolism and significance behind these concepts?

Join us as we delve into the scriptures and explore the occult influences conditioning society to embrace the Beast system.

Let's uncover the truth together.

Mark of the Beast 666 and All-Seeing Eye

In Revelation chapter 13, verses 14-18, we are warned about the Mark of the Beast and its implications. The mark will be given to all aspects of life, regardless of status or wealth.

It will be placed either on the right hand or the forehead. This mark is subtly introduced through various occult symbols, such as the All-Seeing Eye, which can be found in clothing lines, movies, cartoons, and other forms of media. People are being bombarded with these symbols and unknowingly conditioned to accept the Beast system.

The Power of Symbolism

Symbolism has always been a powerful language to communicate deep thoughts and ideas. It transcends spoken language's limitations and can reveal and conceal meaning.

Behind the scenes, there are individuals in positions of influence who are using symbolism to shape the mindset of society. They are part of secret societies and the elite, slowly conditioning people to embrace the Beast and Antichrist systems.

The All-Seeing Eye and its Origins

The All-Seeing Eye has its roots in ancient Egyptian mysteries and has been adopted by various occult practices throughout history. It symbolizes illumination and is associated with Lucifer.

When individuals open their "third eye," they believe they can contact Lucifer's consciousness. This symbol is used for divination, hexes, and control. It has even found its way into the music industry, with artists like Jay-Z using it in their performances and merchandise.

The Connection between 666 and the All-Seeing Eye

There is a profound connection between 666, the All-Seeing Eye, and the Mark of the Beast. While Christians see 666 as the mark of damnation, the occult sees it as a means of communication with heavenly beings.

They believe that using specific light and sound harmonics can elevate their thoughts and commune directly with the councils of light in the heavens. This connection further desensitizes people to the true implications of the Mark of the Beast.

The Significance of the Mark on the Forehead

According to various sources, including channeled writings, having a mark on the forehead signifies alignment with great truth and light. It represents those who have incarnated to serve God and create a new order.

This foretells the acceptance of the Antichrist as a god and the worship of the Beast. It promises that all wants will be supplied but ultimately leads to eternal damnation.


As Christians, we must be wise and discerning in these times. The world is conditioned to accept the Beast system, and many fall into unsound doctrine and strong delusions.

It is crucial to stay rooted in the truth and seek understanding. If you want to learn more about the Mark of the Beast and other end-time prophecies, I encourage you to watch the full video and sign up for our blog and YouTube Channel. Stay blessed, and remember to stay vigilant in these end times.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Mark of the Beast 666 Part 2: Kabbalah and Number 666


Welcome to the second part of our series on the Mark of the Beast 666! In this video, we'll be examining Kabbalah's connection to different occult groups, and how they hold the numbers 6 and 666 as sacred numbers.

Kabbalah and the Messianic Age

Kabbalah looks at the number 666 as the number that will bring in the Messianic age, which we know is diametrically opposed to the Word of God. Revelation chapter 13 states that it will usher in a Luciferian age, where people will give worship the son of perdition, the Antichrist, and will worship the dragon, which is Satan.

Influence on Occult Groups

Kabbalah has influenced different occult groups such as Nazism, Freemasonry, the Theosophical Society with HP Blavatsky, and even the Temple of the Lehman with Aleister Crowley. Albert Pike, a famous Freemason and author, states in his book "Morals and Dogma" on page 626 that "Kabbalah is the key of the occult sciences and the Gnostics were born of the Kabbalah".

Deception of the Masses

Kabbalah will deceive masses of people into believing that this number will usher in the Messianic age and that it will be an age of peace. People will be deceived into giving their faith in this Luciferian system and will bring their souls to eternal damnation.

HP Blavatsky's book "The Secret Doctrine of Israel" in chapter 7 titled "The Coming of the Messiah" on page 146 states that the number 6 is connected to the son of David.

The Number 6 and Perfection

The number 6 is connected to imperfection, while the number 7 is the number of spiritual perfection, and the number 8 is the number of new beginnings and perfect completion. Jesus' name adds up to 888, which is the number of spiritual completion, resurrection, regeneration, and a new beginning.

When Jesus died on the cross, he said "it is finished" – everything was completed.

Gnosticism and Freemasonry

Gnosticism and Freemasonry look at Lucifer as the true god of this world, rather than Yahweh. They believe that Lucifer will usher in the age of mankind realizing that you can be a god or goddess.

Organizations like the Theosophical Society, the Temple of the Thelema, and even Mormonism promote this lie.

The Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:16-18 states that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark, even the name of the beast or the number of his name. The number 666 could represent the strength and perfection of the physical world, which Judaism teaches will occur in the Messianic era.

"Believe not the truth; they were given over to a strong delusion" – 2 Thessalonians 2:11

When people take on the mark of the beast, it will initiate them into Luciferianism. They will not be able to buy or sell and will have ownership over them.

Taking the mark on the right hand symbolizes authority while taking it on the forehead symbolizes the center of the mind.

The false prophet will preach that you can evolve into being a god yourself and that you can obtain Christ's consciousness. This is a lie from the pit.

The only way to obtain Christ's consciousness is through faith in Jesus Christ.


We must be wise and discerning in these last days, and be led by the Holy Spirit to know the wiles of the enemy. Don't be deceived by Kabbalah's lies about the number 666.

Taking on the mark of the beast will lead to eternal damnation, and there is no forgiveness. Watch our video to learn more, sign up for our blog, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay informed!