By: Shofarsound/Endtimeshofar
What is the
number one killer of Black Americans? Is it cancer? Is it AIDS? Is it Diabetes?
Nope, it is not cancer, AIDS, or Diabetes. It is abortion! The total annual
abortion deaths of African Americans is 317,547, versus the cause of all other
deaths annually in the African American community is 286,797(4,138 AIDS, 6,100
Firearm Homicides, 12,771 Diabetes Deaths, 12, 299 Accidental Deaths, Cancer
Deaths 66,158 Cancer Deaths, 90,888 Heart Disease). (1)
Who is
behind this demonic agenda with the genocide of Black babies in America? In the
1930s, Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, and Dr. Clarence
Gamble came up with a master plan to introduce birth control and sterilization
of Black women here in America. (2) Sanger and Gamble would use Black
ministers, Black doctors, and the Black elite to push this deceptive agenda,
therefore setting the foundation of Black infanticide and genocide in the Black
community. They called this The Negro Project.
In a
December 10, 1939, letter, Sanger wrote to Dr. Gamble:
“We do not
want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and
the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to
any of their more rebellious members.”(3)
Gamble put
together an extensive plan for the Negro project. He proposed recruiting Black
doctors to serve with ministers as advocates for the birth control campaign.
“There is great danger that [the project] will fail because the Negroes think
it a plan for extermination,” Gamble wrote Sanger. “Hence let’s appear to let
the colored run it” . . .(4)
Though it
was led mainly and run by White men, the Negro Project used famous Black
leaders from churches, Black organizations, and Black universities and placed
those leaders in charge of the project throughout the southern states to push
its agenda. (5)
Fast forward
to the 21st-century media icon and New Age High Priestesses Oprah Winfrey is a strong supporter of
abortion. In the July 2018 issue of Oprah magazine "O The Oprah
Magazine," Oprah featured "Shout Your Abortion" founder Amelia
Bonow in its "Inspiration" section. (6) Bonow began the campaign to
urge women to brag about aborting their unborn babies, has a book out called
"Shout Your Abortion," on December 28, 2018, Bonow appeared in the
video "Kids Meet Someone Who's Had An Abortion," talking to children
about their preconceived notions about abortion and "edifying" them
with her own experience. She also announced that she was releasing a children's
book in 2020 on abortion. (7,8)
Oprah has
used her "O The Oprah Magazine" as a launching pad for pro-abortion
propaganda. In May of 2017, Oprah Magazine did a featured article on Christian
Abortionist Dr. Willie Parker's book called "Life's Work A Moral Argument
For Choice. (9) The magazine quotes Parker's book, which is laced with apostate
Christian/New Age Spirituality theology(Oprah is one of the biggest celebrity
promoters of the New Age Movement and has done more than anyone in the media to
promote its agenda). Here are some of the quotes from Parker's book and the
Oprah Magazine:
"As a
devout Christian and one of the only physicians performing the procedure in the
Deep South, Parker refuses to cede the moral high ground, making an impassioned
case rooted in science, history, and theology for the sanctity of a woman's
autonomy over her own body."(10)
"As a
Christian, I feel that it's my job to help offer a counternarrative that God
gave every woman gifts and the agency to realize those gifts and that nothing
about choosing to terminate a pregnancy or delay childbearing puts a woman
outside of God's love." (11)
theology was the foundation of Dr. George Tiller's practice. It dictates that
alleviating suffering is a Christian's sacred responsibility. If God is in
everything, and in everyone, then God is as much in the woman deciding to
terminate a pregnancy as in her Bible."(12)
procedure room in an abortion clinic is as sacred as any other space to me....
God is meeting both of us where we are." (13)
Parker has
some pretty eye-opening beliefs! He states that God is in everything and
everyone, is not a Christian doctrine, however it is pantheism, and that the
procedure room in the abortion clinic is sacred; it contradicts the Word of God
by making murder sacred in the eyesight of God, in which the Word states it is
murder and sin.
Dr. Willie
Parker would make the racist founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger,
immensely proud today because Parker is following out Sanger's plan of genocide
on Black people.
King James
16 These six
things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud
look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart
that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false
witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Psalm 94:21
King James
21 They
gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the
innocent blood.
Isaiah 59:7
King James
7 Their feet
run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are
thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.
2. Negro Project
3. Blessed
Are the Barren: Social Policy of Planned Parenthood, By Charles Donovan and
Robert Marshall, P. 17-18.
4. Abortion:
The Ultimate Exploitation of Women, By Brian E. Fisher, P.55.
5. Gamble
memo, November 1939, Sanger Collection, Smith College. Also Women’s Body,
Women’s Right: Birth Control in America, P.329.
9. Natalie
Beach, “Parker’s Choice: How a doctor’s Christianity led him to perform
abortions,” The Oprah Magazine, May 2017: 110. See also,
10. Ibid, Beach, “Parker’s Choice.”
11. Dr.
Willie Parker, MD, Life’s Work: A Moral Argument for Choice (New York, NY:
Atria Books, 2017), P.69.
12. Dr.
Willie Parker, MD, Life’s Work: A Moral Argument for Choice (New York, NY:
Atria Books, 2017): 208.
13. Ibid
Beach, “Parker’s Choice.”