Showing posts with label Sorcery in Book of Revelation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sorcery in Book of Revelation. Show all posts

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Aleister Crowley and the Enigmatic Occult Connection with Cannabis


By Shofarsound/End-Time Shofar 

Aleister Crowley, often called the "Great Beast" or "Wickedest Man in the World," was a complex and controversial figure in occultism and esotericism during the early 20th century. Known for his involvement in various mystical practices, including Thelema, Crowley's life and writings continue to captivate and mystify people today. Among the many aspects of his life, one intriguing element is his reported use of cannabis. In this blog post, we'll explore Crowley's relationship with cannabis and its role in his spiritual and mystical pursuits.



Before delving into the connection with cannabis, it's essential to understand who Aleister Crowley was. Born in 1875 in England, Crowley was a prolific writer, poet, occultist, and ceremonial magician. He founded the religious and philosophical movement known as Thelema, which centers on the idea that individuals should follow their true will to attain spiritual enlightenment and self-fulfillment. His writings, particularly "The Book of the Law," serve as the foundational texts for Thelema.


Cannabis and the Occult


Cannabis has a long history of use in various mystical and spiritual practices worldwide. From ancient Hindu rituals involving bhang to Rastafarian sacramental use of marijuana, the plant has been associated with altered states of consciousness and spiritual insight.


In Crowley's time, cannabis was not as widely discussed or understood as it is today. However, there are references in some of his writings that suggest he may have experimented with the substance. One notable example is his book "The Diary of a Drug Fiend," where he discusses the use of various drugs, including cannabis, in a quest for spiritual awakening.

Aleister Crowley was known for pursuing altered states of consciousness to connect with higher spiritual realms and explore the boundaries of human perception. While he employed various methods, such as meditation, ritual magic, and sexual practices, his experimentation with substances like cannabis was part of this quest.

 It's essential to note that Crowley's approach to mind-altering substances was not limited to recreational use. He saw them as tools for self-exploration and transcendence, believing that certain substances could facilitate spiritual experiences and insights. Cannabis, with its psychoactive properties, was one such substance that intrigued him.


Thelema and Cannabis

In Thelema, the use of mind-altering substances, including cannabis, is not explicitly mandated or prohibited. Instead, the emphasis is on the individual's ability to discern their path and follow their true will. Some Thelemites interpret this as a license to explore substances like cannabis as part of their spiritual practice, while others choose to abstain from such substances.

Crowley's 1907 Essay, The Psychology of Hashish-Marijuana Forbidden Drug in the Garden of Eden  

In his 1907 essay titled "The Psychology of Hashish," Aleister Crowley wrote about the mystical and psychological aspects of the use of hashish and cannabis. In one particularly intriguing passage, Crowley asserted that marijuana was prohibited or forbidden in the Garden of Eden. If not the Tree of Life, at least of that other Tree, double and sinister and deadly?”  In rhetorical response to Jehovah’s ancient taboos, the Beast wrote: “Nay! for I am of the Serpent’s party; Knowledge is good, be the price what it may.”


Drug Use and Magic in The Bible- Old Testament Septuagint

We heard of the  Greek word pharmakia, which means drugs and sorcery. However, another Greek word used in the Septuagint for drug-using magician is epano. Epano has a much broader meaning than pharmakos. Here are some scriptural references for epano being used to show drug-using magicians:

Exodus 7:11: pharmakos, epano, pharmakia

Exodus 7:22: epano, pharmakia

Exodus 8:7: epano, pharmakia

Exodus 8:18: epano, pharmakia

Exodus 8:19: epano

Daniel 1:20: epano

Daniel 2:10: epano

Daniel 2:27: epano

Daniel 4:7: epano

Daniel 4:9: epano

Daniel 5:11: epano

What Aleister Crowley taught and wrote was nothing new under the sun(Ecclesiastes 1:9). Crowley's satanic inspirations go back thousands of years, with the connection to drug use and sorcery/magic. The Bible predicts that in the End-Times, a massive Satanic revival and a revival of pharmakia(drug use/sorcery) would take place.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Rise of Satanism in American and Last Days Satanic Revival


By Shofarsound

Satanism, or the worship of Satan, has been a subject of fascination and fear for centuries. In the United States, the rise of satanism has been a controversial topic, with some seeing it as a legitimate religious movement and others seeing it as a dangerous and subversive influence.


The history of satanism in the US dates back to the 1960s and 1970s when the Church of Satan was founded by Anton LaVey in San Francisco. LaVey’s brand of satanism was largely secular, focused on individualism and self-empowerment rather than the worship of a literal Satan. The Church of Satan gained media attention and a small following but remained relatively obscure.


In the 1980s, however, satanism became the subject of a moral panic, fueled by sensationalist media coverage and the testimony of supposed “victims” of satanic ritual abuse. This panic led to a wave of arrests and prosecutions of people accused of participating in satanic rituals and abusing children. However, many of these cases were later discredited, with evidence suggesting that the supposed abuse was largely a product of hysteria and suggestion.


Despite the backlash against the “Satanic Panic” of the 1980s, satanism has continued to be a subject of fascination for some Americans. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in satanism, particularly among younger people. This new wave of satanism is largely influenced by the ideas of the Satanic Temple, a group founded in 2012 that advocates for secularism, individualism, and social justice.


The Satanic Temple has gained attention for its provocative actions, such as erecting a statue of the goat-headed deity Baphomet in public spaces and suing to have a Ten Commandments monument removed from the grounds of the Oklahoma State Capitol. The group has also advocated for reproductiverights, LGBTQ rights, and other progressive causes, using satanic imagery and language to challenge conservative Christian values.


While the Satanic Temple’s brand of satanism is largely non-theistic and focused on activism rather than worship, there are also traditional satanic groups that do worship Satan as a deity. These groups tend to be more secretive and underground than the Satanic Temple, but they do exist and have been linked to criminal activity in some cases.


Overall, the rise of satanism in the US is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. While some see it as a legitimate expression of individualism and freedom, others view it as a dangerous and subversive influence. As with many controversial topics, the reality is likely somewhere in between, and the true nature and impact of satanism on American society will continue to be debated and discussed for years to come.

Seeing Mary Harrington's 2021 article How Satanism Conquered America: Untrammelled Individualism Is No longer a Sin, confirms the rise of satanism in American society. Here are some of the examples she quoted in the article that is eye-opening:

In 2021, even the idea of a priest as the main protagonist in a battle between good and evil feels, well, very 1973. These days, while there’s plenty of Satanist imagery about, overtly anti-Christian symbols seem either banal (Lil Nas selling Satan trainers) or just naff (WitchTok).

 But if devilish imagery mostly feels a bit cringe, the Devil himself has gone mainstream. If being deliberately anti-Christian pour épater la bourgeoisie feels exhausting, for the new, post-Christian bourgeoisie Satan now reads like the good guy. And in the hands of this class, the Devil’s proverbial pride, self-regard, and refusal to yield isn’t just celebrated — it’s on its way to becoming the established religion of the United States of America.

We are seeing a full manifestation of open satanic worship taking place in our country, and in fact, this coming April 28-30, 2023 Satancon in Boston, MA is happening. The theme of the gathering in celebration of The Satanic Temple's 10-year anniversary is "Hexennacht in Boston," German for "Witches' Night," which marks the ancient pagan holiday of May Eve. The night was later changed to Walpurgisnacht to commemorate Walpurga, a Christian saint who evangelized Germany and was said to have exorcised demons from the sick. SatanCon will include discussion panels, entertainment, satanic rituals, a satanic wedding chapel, and a "satanic marketplace."


Sam Smith 2023 Grammy Awards Performance His Hit Song Unholy

 The Book of Revelation warns us of a satanic revival of demon worship will take place, Revelation 9:20-21 says, " But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts." We see the beginning of Bible Prophecy being fulfilled in our day and age.



Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spice: Synthetic Marijuana and the Spirit of Pharmekeia

Spice: Synthetic Marijuana

Fox 11 News in Los Angeles just did a report on Synthetic Marijuana because of the death of Connor Eckhardt.  He died in July of  this year at the age of 19 years old from smoking it (source). Eckhardt's parents are on a crusade to educate the public about the dangers of using this type of marijuana.  Some of the perils include:  addiction, brain damage, heart attack, hallucinations, and death(source). The Bible states in the book of Revelation  that an explosion of sorcery, or  "pharmekeia" in Greek, would take place in the very last days/end-times.

What is Pharmekeia?

This word "pharmakeia" is found at least four times in the Book of Revelation for sorcery: Revelation 9:21 ,  Revelation 18:23, Revelation 21:8, and Revelation 22:14-15. Synthetic Marijuana falls under pharmekeia for the following reasons:

1.  It causes its prey to be drugged and puts them under a spell (a.k.a. addiction),
2,  The effects of the drug cause serious health issues including blood poisoning
3.  The victim may begin to see in the spirit world, run the risk of demon possession and be manipulated to perform abnormal behaviors (a.k.a. hallucinations, witchcraft/manipulation).

Synthetic Marijuana Plagues US Military  

 A synthetic marijuana mix called Spice is spreading through the military at a startling rate.
An aggressive testing program was launched in 2011 and led to the investigation of more than 1,100 suspected users, according to the December 2011 edition of Daily UK.  Spice has caused some soldiers to become delusional and have anxiety attacks.(source)

Kyle Smith's Horror Story of Synthetic Marijuana Use

Robin Smith, Kyle's Mother

This what Robin Smith, Kyle Smith mother stated about how synthetic marijuana impacted her son Kyle's life:

"I had a normal child on a Thursday and a not normal child on a Friday, Robin Smith of Forest Hill, Md. tells of her son Kyle in 2010.”

Kyle who just 15 years old at the time, decided to use synthetic marijuana. After coming home from school, he smoked Spice and took a loaded gun into the woods."

Now at 18 years old, Kyle has been institutionalized seventeen times for psychiatric care and has made three different attempts to take his own life. He is presently an outpatient at Johns Hopkins University Medical Center  where he recently endured electroconvulsive therapy (shock treatments) in an attempt to rehabilitate from his experience with imitation pot (source). 

Notice how with the use of Spice,  this young man was opened to the spirit world of demonic spirits. These demons have one purpose.  They seek the  death and destruction of the prey that take the bait.

Waco Texas Man Eats Dog While High on Spice

Michael Daniels of Waco, Texas in June of 2012, was high on Spice.  At the age of 22 years old,  he beat and strangled a 30 to 40 pound dog, then proceeded to eat it. When police arrived at the scene Daniels had fur and blood around his mouth. He told neighbors he was high on synthetic marijuana(source). This sounds like a case of demon possession!!!

The End-Game for Spice is Death and Destruction

Please don't let the bait of synthetic marijuana that Satan and his demons use to get you hooked and addicted.  Your soul may become enslaved to it.  The end-game to Satan's bait of synthetic marijuana is death and destruction. Always remember that Jesus Christ came that you might have an abundant life! Don't take Satan's bait of synthetic marijuana! Choose Jesus Christ and Eternal Life!   

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pharmarkia/Sorcery Lil' Wayne's Sizzurp

Lil' Wayne AKA Lil' Sorcerer and his drink/potion of death!

Hip-Hop star Lil’ Wayne is influencing youth with his immoral music, music videos, and fashion.  It’s Interesting that Lil’ Wayne is imitating his art with real life.  In his song “It’s Time To Give Me Mine” he raps about drinking cough syrup (the slang word he uses is “sizzurp”).  In reality, he does sizzurp or drink Purple Drink to get high. Lil’ Wayne is helping to aid young people into a new way of getting high. In 2011, a national survey found that 1 out of 10 American teens used cough or cold medication to get high, making it more popular in that age group than cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, and meth(U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Agency). One of the key ingredients in cough syrup is Dextromethorphan/DMX, found in Robitussin Cough Syrup DM.   

When abused it is a hallucinogenic that opens a person up to spiritual experiences in the demonic realm(source). This is a form witchcraft/ sorcery, it’s called pharmakeia (Pharmakeia is the Greek word for drugs; sorceries or witchcraft) found in Galatians 5:20; Revelation 9:21; Revelation 18:23. Lil’ Wayne is helping to indoctrinate a generation into practicing witchcraft by the use drugs.


Pharmarkeia= Drugs= Witchcraft= Eternal Damnation.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

America is The Mistress of Witchcraft

On January 9, 2013 we broadcasted a show entitled, "America is the Mistress of Witchcraft."  The title for this episode comes from Nahum 3:4 which states, " Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of the witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through witchcraft." That word "witchcraft" in Hebrew in this scripture is "kesheph" which means magic and sorcery. This nation has taken upon itself to become the mistress of witchcraft through its' blatant rebellion against G-d (rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft), its growing faith in Wicca, its love of psychics and astrology, and the growing amount of satanic occultic movies and television shows being made and viewed. Also, legal and illegal drugs run rampant in this nation. To listen to the entire broadcast click here.


Fast Facts of USA Being the Mistress of Witchcraft

Horror Movies in the Box Office for 2012 grossed over $400 million and sold over 50 million tickets (source).

The movie series Paranormal Activity (4 part series) has made over $700 million (source).

Halloween has become $8 Billion Holiday Business now (source).

Astrology in the United States is a multi-billion dollar business (source).

CNN cable news has reported that 300 Fortune 500 companies use astrologers (source).

The psychic industry is boasting a multi-billion dollars per year (source).

Wicca (Witchcraft) is the fastest growing religion in the USA, and is on track to be the third largest religion in the United States (source).   

There are about 700,000 websites for Wiccans (source). 

Illegal drugs sold in New York alone bring in an estimated $832 million per year (source). Drugs are a gateway that opens up people to the demonic spirit realm (source).

The pharmaceutical drug business (legal drugs) is a $650 billion dollar business per year in this country alone (source).

Most of the psycho pharmaceutical drugs can cause a person to commit suicide or commit a homicidal act (source).  Again even these legal psycho pharmaceutical drugs can open a person up to the demonic spiritual realm in which demons can influence a person.

The Greek word Pharmakeia means magic, sorcery, witchcraft. This is where we get the word pharmacy.  Please note that all drugs given for health purposes are not bad.

Of course witchcraft/occult has influenced television, law enforcement, CIA and the FBI in this country (source).

Harry Potter books are used as curriculum in US schools by Scholastic (source). Harry Potter books promote witchcraft and indoctrinates children in witchcraft (source).