Showing posts with label False Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label False Religion. Show all posts

Saturday, August 18, 2012

African-Americans and Mormonism: Past Racist Doctrine

Mormon Apostle Joseph Smith Called Blacks "Niggers"

A Brief Synopsis What Mormons Believe

Mormons believe in millions of gods. Mormons long to become a a god. They don't long to spend eternity with Jesus Christ (source).
Biblical response: Isaiah 45:5-12. G-d said their is no other god, but Him.

They teach that man is a god in embryo, and may attain exaltation to godhood as the heavenly father has(source).
Biblical response: Psalm 51:5. Were born as sinners, not gods.

They believe in an eternal mother who engages in sex with the heavenly father to create human spirits. She is the wife of God (source).
Biblical response: Ezekieal 18:4. G-d is the Creator of all things, all the souls belong to Him.

Mormons believe Jesus was a polygamist who was married to Mary and Martha at the same time.  They also believe that God the Father is polygamist (source).
Biblical response: The Bible never states that Jesus was married to Mary and Martha. This is a gnostic doctrine. G-d the Father creates.  He does not procreate.

Mormonism holds the belief that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers.  Both are the elder brothers of heaven and were produced by God through a sexual union (sourcesource).
Biblical response: John 1:14 and John 3:16. Jesus is the only begotten son of the Father.

Mormons don't believe in virgin birth of Jesus Christ.  They believe Mary had sex with God the Father. They believed Mary was married both to God and Joseph (source).
Biblical response: Matthew 1:23 and Isaiah 7:14. Marry was a virgin that gave birth to Jesus.

They believe God was once a man of flesh and bones and that someday we can become a god over our own universe (source).
Biblical response: John 4:24. G-d is spirit, we must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Mormons believe that some sins are so bad that the blood of Jesus can't atone for sins.  Instead, a person must shed their own blood for atonement (source).
Biblical response: Matthew 26:28. Only Jesus' blood was shed for remission of all sins and it marks a new covenant.


Baptism of the dead is another doctrine in Mormonism.  A Mormon can be baptized in place of their dead ancestors or friends so that these dead friends or family members can become Mormons (source).

Biblical response: Hebrews 9:27. Man is appointed once to die, then the judgment. The Bible doesn't speak about karma or purgatory.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Is National Health Care Plan Prelude 666 Mark of the Beast?

Please watch Perry Stone video on 666 Mark of the Beast Setup. This video will enlighten you. The Church needs to wake-up at of it's slumber, and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, telling people to repent the Kingdom of G-d is at hand.  

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Christians Yoga and Spirit of Kundalini

Christian Yoga Satans Playground Part 1 of 2 

Christian Yoga Satans Playground Part 2 of 2 

Kundalini Spirit and the 3rd Eye

Opening the Third Eye

The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring in part to the ajna (brow) chakra in certain dharmic spiritual traditions, in particular Hinduism. This concept was later adopted by Christian mystics and spiritualists as well as people from other religious faiths. It is also spoken of as the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. Among Christian mystics, the term is used in a broad sense to indicate a non-dualistic perspective. In New Age spirituality, the third eye may alternately symbolize a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with visions, clairvoyance (which includes the ability to observe chakras and auras), precognition, and out-of-body experiences. People who have allegedly developed the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers(source).

In Hindu and Buddhist religion Tantric belief, Kundalini is a snake energy lying dormant in the base of the spine, which can be awaken by yogic practices. This Eastern Religious practice is used to discover the divine or god within you(here and here).

False Prophet Bernard Jordan and Yoga

False Prophet E. Bernard Jordan incorporates the Hindu yoga applications chakras in his book " The Laws of Thinking(source)." It is deception for him to make believe to the readers of his book, that he is speaking the truth based on the Word of G-d. He is incorporating "doctrines of devils."  Jordan is clearly mixing Hinduism with Christianity. This is called pantheism.

The concept chakra comes from the yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. It is said that the body has seven chakras in it. Yoga is the vehicle used to balance the chakras. The main goal of yoga is to awaken Kundalini, or the fiery serpent power that is wrapped around the spinal cord (source). What is serpent power? Isn't Satan called the Great Serpent? Jordan's fellow luciferian occultist H.P. Blavatsky states in her book "The Secret Doctrine" that Yahweh isn't the "One," and Lucifer is the "One" more superior than Yahweh. She states that the names of Lucifer is known as Dragon of Wisdom, the Dragon, Satan, and The Fiery Serpent (source). Notice that one of the names for Lucifer is Fiery Serpent. Also pay attention to the fact that in Yoga the goal is to awaken the kundalini or fiery serpent to obtain divine wisdom /self knowledge. Satan since the garden, is always attempting to get man to obtain knowledge outside of the authority of G-d.

Clearly a true Christan needs to stir away from yoga altogether, people may try to tell you they do yoga for the stretching and health aspect, not so much the meditation and chanting(or they chant the name of Jesus or scriptures). However, based on further examination it opens a person up to the demonic realm, and enter into the kingdom of darkness.

Amos 3:3 says, "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"

Jeremiah 10:2 says,  "Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

2 Corinthians 6:14 says Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Joel Osteen Said Mormons are Christians! True or False?

It very obvious that Pastor Joel Osteen can make millions of dollars selling his feel good motivational books, and his ability to fill up an arena on Wednesday nights and Sunday morning with his church members. However, when it comes to his theological soundness and standing on sound doctrine he is seriously lacking. Back at it again with his inability to stand on sound doctrine, Osteen said that Mormons are Christians in his response about Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney a Mormon not being a Christian.  He stated Romney is his Christian brother.  I hate to tell you Joel, but Mormons are no closer to being Christians than let's say a Satanist, Wicca, Shaman, Buddhist, and Hindu.  We"re seeing a growing trend of ecumenical dance with prominent Christian personalities such as Osteen's statements that Mormons are Christians, and Christian television networks such as TBN and Daystar broadcasting Glenn Beck (Mormon) as he endorses Mormonism as just another branch of Christianity.  Let's examine the truth and facts from a biblical perspective that Mormonism isn't Christianity, and never will be.

Mormonism Occult Origins

The Mormon Church was founded by Joseph Smith who was a 33rd degree freemason.  He was heavily involved in the occult arts such as astrology, ritual magic, crystal gazing, seer stones, and divining rods (source).Smith was also into spiritualism in which a person is in contact with the dead and with other spirit entities to obtain information or knowledge through the occult. 

Joseph Smith claims that an angel Moroni gave him the revelation for the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine of Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price.   Supposedly Moroni's father, Mormon, a Nephite historian-prophet,wrote the history of the Jews/Nephites who came from Jerusalem to ancient America in 600 B.C.-385 A.D.  Moroni added his words to the book then hid it.  Supposedly in these gold plates, it is written that Jesus appeared in America and spent time with the Nephites after his resurrection.  Shortly afterwards, the Nephite people were wiped out in a war against the Lamanites (principal ancestors of the Native Americans). After his death, Moroni was resurrected as an angel.  In September 21, 1823 Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith in New York ,gave him gold plates, and instructed him to translate the gold plates into English.  This is the origin of the Book of Mormon.

Ironocally the name Mormo is is listed in Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible in the listing page of "Infernal Names." It states that Mormo is the god of the ghouls, and his followers would be Mormons (source 1/ source).

Mormonism Has Elements of Gnosticism

Mormonism does possess some elements of gnostictism (source/source). In June 8, 1873, while preaching from the pulpit of the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah Brigham Young declared:

"The devil told the truth... I do not blame Mother Eve. I would not have had her miss eating the forbidden fruit for anything in the world... They must pass through the same ordeals as the Gods, that they may know good from evil... Through the gift of sin, humanity can achieve godhood (source ; source)."

This is completely contray to what John 8:44 says: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." It calls the devil the father of lies and a murderer.  This is because his intent in the Garden of Eden was to spiritually murder both Adam and Eve by getting them to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Adam and Eve died spiritually and that death did not result in them becoming gods as the Devil told them in Genesis 3:5.  It was a lie.  Brigham Young's statements and writings regarding the fall of man and the serpent in garden helping Adam and Eve to realize they're gods mirrors gnosticism.  It sees the serpent/Satan as the good guy helping mankind realize the god within themselves (source).

What Mormons Believe

Mormons believe in millions of gods. Mormons long to become a a god. They don't long to spend eternity with Jesus Christ (source).
Biblical response: Isaiah 45:5-12. G-d said their is no other god, but Him.

They teach that man is a god in embryo, and may attain exaltation to godhood as the heavenly father has(source).
Biblical response: Psalm 51:5. Were born as sinners, not gods.

They believe in an eternal mother who engages in sex with the heavenly father to create human spirits. She is the wife of God (source).
Biblical response: Ezekieal 18:4. G-d is the Creator of all things, all the souls belong to Him.

Mormons believe Jesus was a polygamist who was married to Mary and Martha at the same time.  They also believe that God the Father is polygamist (source).
Biblical response: The Bible never states that Jesus was married to Mary and Martha. This is a gnostic doctrine. G-d the Father creates.  He does not procreate.

Mormonism holds the belief that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers.  Both are the elder brothers of heaven and were produced by God through a sexual union (source, source).
Biblical response: John 1:14 and John 3:16. Jesus is the only begotten son of the Father.

Mormons don't believe in virgin birth of Jesus Christ.  They believe Mary had sex with God the Father. They believed Mary was married both to God and Joseph (source).
Biblical response: Matthew 1:23 and Isaiah 7:14. Marry was a virgin that gave birth to Jesus.

They believe God was once a man of flesh and bones and that someday we can become a god over our own universe (source).
Biblical response: John 4:24. G-d is spirit, we must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Mormons believe that some sins are so bad that the blood of Jesus can't atone for sins.  Instead, a person must shed their own blood for atonement (source).
Biblical response: Matthew 26:28. Only Jesus' blood was shed for remission of all sins and it marks a new covenant.

Baptism of the dead is another doctrine in Mormonism.  A Mormon can be baptized in place of their dead ancestors or friends so that these dead friends or family members can become Mormons (source).

Biblical response: Hebrews 9:27. Man is appointed once to die, then the judgment. The Bible doesn't speak about karma or purgatory.

Pastor Joel Please Study to Show Yourself Approved

Another wild doctrinal belief Mormons hold is that salvation is only through Joseph Smith, and that while Blacks are created inferior, Whites are created superior (source, source).  Lastly, they do not believe in the Godhead (source/source).  To you Pastor Osteen:  Mormons aren't Christians.  Please make sure you study before you speak in order to make sure your doctrine is sound.  Overall, Mormon doctrine isn'teven remotely biblically based.
The Christian Church of America has to beware of entering into ecumenical movement towards a one world church.  If a religious institution does nott line up with the overall authority of "The Word of God," then flee. Don't allow yourself to be seduced by evil spirits into false doctrine.  And please, don't make covenants with Mormons.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Law of Attraction is a New Age Teaching

What is Law of Attraction?

Here is the actual meaning for The Law of Attraction below:

"Because the law of cause and effect is continually at work, there is always an inner cause for every outer effect. Your outer world is a direct result of your inner world. Every circumstance in life is a result of a choice - and every choice is the result of a thought. All those things that fill your mind hold the keys to your reality. Your thoughts provide the fuel for your words, and your words provide the fuel for your world."
"The law of cause and effect also works with the law of attraction. Simply put, this means "like attracts like." If thoughts are things that  are made up of substance, then the material manifested in our lives is attracted to us by our spiritual thoughts. In other words, inspired experiences are caused by inspired thoughts."

Where Did the Law of Attraction Originate From ?

The phrase, "law of attraction" appears first in Hinduism and in a book of esoteric mysteries written by Madame Helena Blavatsky (source). Madame Blavatsky is the founder of Theosophy, a religion that worships Lucifer as god plus mankind.  She is known as the mother of the modern New Age Movement. The phrase "law of attraction" appears in the writings of Theosophical authors William Quan Judge and Annie Besant.  Besant claimed that the law of attraction is a form of karma.

Famous Author Napoleon Hill and Law of Attraction
Famous American Author, and best know for his books "Think and Grow Rich," and "Grow Rich with Peace of Mind," in his book  "The Law of Success in 16 Lessons"  in 1928 Hill directly makes references of the law of attraction more than several times.

However, Napoleon Hill received the information he wrote in his best selling books from Ascended Masters, otherwise known as spirit guides. In fact, in his book, "Grow Rich with Peace of Mind," he states that unseen spirits hovered over him, and that they gave him the materials and chapters for the book (source).

 Hill stated loud and clear that his ideas came from spirit entities. He wrote the following:

"Now again I have evidence that unseen friends hover about me, unknowable to the ordinary senses. In       my studies there is a group of strange beings who maintain a school of wisdom... The School has Masters who can disembody themselves and travel instantly to any place they choose... to give knowledge directly, by voices... Now I knew that one of these Masters had come across thousand of miles, through the night, into my study... I shall not set down every word he said... much of what he said already has been presented to you in the chapters of this book and will follow in other chapters. "You have earned the right to reveal a Supreme Secret to others," said the vibrant voice.  "You have been under the guidance of the Great School... Now you must give the world a blueprint (source)."

Esther Hicks and her Alter Ego Abraham teaching Law of Attraction

Esther Hicks channels the spirit/demon of Abraham to teach on the law of attraction. 

New Age spirit channelers that teach and write about "The Law of Attraction" are Esther and Jerry Hicks. They helped inspire Rhonda Byrne's popular book/dvd,  "The Secret."  The Hicks are two new age gurus who channeled a spirit called Abraham and received their information from this spirit entity (source). They even have a book out called, "The Law of Attraction: The Basic Teachings of Abraham."  In this book they state that is the most powerful law of the universe is the law of attraction.  In other words, like attracts like(source).  Interestingly enough, the spirit of Abraham, while speaking about Esther, equates her to Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Muhammad (source). 

Biblical Response to New Age Teaching

The Bible warns against people that seek knowledge from demonic spirits.  They are called mediums or spiritualist's.  The fact of the matter is, is that Blavatsky, Besant, Hill, and the Hicks are mediums that are aiding the advancement of the kingdom of darkness by leading men and women away from G-d. As Christians we are not supposed to regard mediums at all.  No matter how good the information these spiritual entities are giving, it doesn't come from the Holy Spirit.

Deuteronomy 18:10-11 says, "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,  Or a charmer, or a consulter with a familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer."

Leviticus 19:31 says, "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord." 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Episcopal Bishop Demonic Vision of a New World Religion

The Episcopal Church has a history of heading down the fast road of apostasy. Their acceptance of homosexuality, abortion, witchcraft, and its departure from biblical Christianity  has led it into the ecumenical movement of interfaith and the one-world false religious system. Retired Bishop William Swing has a vision of forming a United Nation for Religion which would result in a one world religion.

Who is Bishop William Swing ?

Bishop William Swing is the retired Bishop of the Espicopal Diocese of California.  He wasconsecrated as the VII Bishop of California at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, on September 29, 1979. He was very active in helping people with HIV/AIDS and advocating for the elimination of homelessness in the city of San Francisco. Bishop Swing is best known for being the founder and president of the United Religions Initiative as a model to the United Nations for all religions.  Back in 1996 he traveled to China, Japan, South Korea, India, the Middle East, and Europe seeking guidance and commitment from leaders of many of the worlds' religions. The religous leaders he met with were the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, the Shankaracharya of Kanchipuram, Islam’s Grand Mufti of Egypt, and the Archbishop of Canterbury (source).

Swing is a supporter of homosexuality.  His former diocese California has a ministry for LGBT's called Oasis California.  This ministry allows the  LGBT community to be involved in the Episcopal ministry. In a letter Oasis California 2001 Convention, Bishop Swing states:

“Heterosexuals are a threat to marriage. Homosexual couples are a threat to the traditional institution of family. Homosexuals are kicked out of families and disowned. Then when they form their own families, they are abandoned by the Church. And when they raise their children, society treats them as being scandalously selfish. Nevertheless, we are all going to have to grow up and realize that the institution of family is changing before our eyes. Churches need to have family values -- values for the big, emerging family that has redefined itself.”

He also holds a negative view on  true Christian believers that uphold their faith.  He believes that these Christians are a threat to world peace. Swing is under the influence of the spirit of anti-christ.  He opposes the true church of Jesus Christ. Swing is against Judeo-Christian values and preaches and teach a false ecumenical gospel.

What is the United Religions Initiative?

The United Religions Initiative is an interfaith organization that is modeled like the United Nations for religion.  It helps end religious - motivated religion and aid in the peace of Earth.  In March of 2001, the URI became an official Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) affiliated with the United Nations. Swing's original vision for the URI began in 1993, when he was invited by the UN to host an interfaith service honoring the 50th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter (source).

The United Religions Initiative involves the following groups: Christians, Islam, Judaism, Buddhist, Hinduism, Taoism Shamanism, New Age, Mormonism, Wicca, and Witchcraft.  All of these religions are united for the sole purpose of bringing a false peace and a false one - world religion.

Interesting enough, one of the key groups that was involved with the early stages of URI, was the Covenant of the Goddess , which is the world largest organization for witches. CoG members helped write the URI charter which states: "We the people of diverse religions, spiritual expressions, and indigenious traditiions throughout the world, hereby establish the United Religions Initiative to promote enduring, daily, interfaith cooperation, to create culture of peace, justice, an healing for the Earth for all living beings (source)."  The URI has brought CoG (Neopagans) into the mainstream of the cultures and made it acceptable. Other Neo-Pagan groups that support the URI are as follows: Coven of the Stone and the Mirror, Goddess Holding the World Mural Project,  Hippo Haven Wiccan Community, Pagan Educational Network, The Pagan Sanctuary Network, and the SerpentStone Coven in North Carolina(source).

The URI is also supported by Mikhail Gorbachev's organization, The State of the World Forum, Bishop Desmond Tutu, and New Age Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard .  The URI is supported by a variety of religious and political groups that have the same demonic vision of a one-world religion to bring about false peace.

Bishop Swing Endorses the Occult

One of the top members of the URI global council is Donald Frew.  He is the High Priest of Gardenerian coven in Berkley, California, and is the national interfaith representative for the Covenant of the Goddess.  Frew discussed interfaith gathering with Bishop Swing in which he states:, "A highlight for me was being asked to perform a traditional Wiccan foundation blessing in closing ceremony...I specially invoke Hekate, and Hermes by name, and Hermes by name, and the [Episcopal] bishop was right there.. raising his arms in invocation with the rest of the Circle!  We have come a long way (source)."

This shows that Swing has totally abandond the scriptures and he is embracing the Wiccan foundational blessing.  It speaks loudly that he is an apostate and a son of Belial. This isn't the first time an Episcopal Bishop has dabbled with the occult.  Bishop James Pike, during the 1960s after his son James Pike Jr. committed suicide, participated in a live television occultic seance to have medium communicate with his dead son (source). Swing has carried on Pike's apostate legacy.  But Swing has traveled to another level of apostasy with his demonic vision for a one-world church, peace, and the rise of Anti-christ.  Without a doubt, he is fulfilling Bible prophecy.

2 Thessalonians 2: 3 says, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of  sin be revealed the son of perdition."

1 Timothy 4:1 says, "Now The Spirit, speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrine of devils."