Showing posts with label Idols. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Idols. Show all posts

Friday, September 1, 2023

Satan, Zeus, Thor, Baal, Jupiter, Moloch, Enlil Prince Power of the Air


We will examine the gods associated with the Prince, and the Power of the Air will be examined. Who are these gods, and what role do they play in biblical prophecy?

Join us as we delve into the scriptures and explore the significance of these ancient deities.

"Satan takes on many different disguises or different gods as the prince and power of the air." Satan, Zeus, Thor, Baal, Jupiter, Moloch, Enlil= Prince Power of the Air

This section will examine the gods of Thunder - Zeus(Greeks), Tho(Norse), Baal(Caanities, Phoenicians), Jupiter (Romans), Moloch(, and Enlil. These gods have been associated with the Prince and the Power of the Air throughout history.

Let's explore their significance and their connection to biblical prophecy.

Ephesians Chapter 2: The Power of the Air

In Ephesians chapter 2, verse 2, we are told about the ways of the world, the rulers of darkness, and the power of the air. What does this mean in the context of biblical worldview?

Let's dive into the scripture and better understand the Prince and the Power of the Air.

The Demonic Rulers: Powers and Principalities

This section will explore the concept of powers and principalities in the spirit realm. We will examine the writings of Plato and Philo to understand how these rulers and celestial beings are connected to the Prince and the Power of the Air.

Join us as we uncover the truth behind these demonic rulers.

Thor: The Norse Storm God and Prince and Power of the Air

Famous Freemason Albert Pike had this interesting quote about Thor:

“THOR WAS THE SUN, THE EGYPTIAN OSIRIS and Kneph, the Phoenician BEL OR BAAL.” BAAL IS ALSO A SYNONYM FOR THE DEVIL. This god Baal, under the name of Thor, is called “the Prince of the Power of the Air.”

Morals and Dogma P.236

Enlil: The Sumerian Storm God

Who is Enlil?

In this section, we will discover the significance of Enlil, the Sumerian storm god. Associated with wind, air, earth, and storms, Enlil holds a prominent place in ancient cultures.

We will explore the connections between Inlil and Satan, shedding light on the true nature of this ancient deity.

Zeus: The Greek God of Thunder

Zeus, the Greek god of the sky and thunder, is a well-known figure in Greek mythology. But what is his connection to the Prince and the Power of the Air? Zeus is connected to Satan; Jesus states in Revelation 2 that the Throne of Satan being placed in Pergamos is actually the Throne of Zeus.

This section will uncover the truth behind Zeus and his role in biblical prophecy.


In conclusion, the gods associated with the Prince and Power of the Air have played significant roles in ancient cultures and biblical prophecy. By understanding their origins and significance, we can better understand the spiritual realm and the forces at play.

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Monday, July 8, 2013

American Idols, Celebrity Worship= Sin of Idolatry

Angelina Jolie pictured as a goddess

In the month of January 2013 we did a two part radio broadcast called American Idols, Celebrity Worship = Sin of Idolatry(here and here). We covered that in this present age celebrity worship has now become a new religion for people, and the celebrities they worship are in reality their god or goddess.  In American society people may not worship the idol gods of stone, wood, bronze, silver, and gold.  However, they do worship actors/actresses, singers, musicians, news anchors, athletes, models, and politicians. These individuals develop faithful followers that follow their every word and move.  However, the Bible warns us about the sin of idolatry.  One may ask what is the sin of idolatry? Let us examine this sin in this expose'.  Are you a person guilty of the sin of idolatry?

What is Idolatry ?

Idolatry is the worship of spirits, persons, or graven images.  It also includes trusting in any person, institution, or thing as having equal or greater authority than G-d and His Word.

In ancient Biblical times the nations surrounding the children of Israel were involved in idolatry. They worshiped all types of gods and goddesses including Chemosh, Baal, Moloch, and Astaroth. Now Yahweh had warned the children of Israel not to worship these idol gods. Yahweh alone was to be worshiped because He was and is the only "true living G-d" and the Creator.  Unfortunately, Israel fell in and out of idolatry which bought judgment upon the nation for disobeying  G-d.

The very reality is this: Israel fell in love with these idols by worshiping them.  In addition, these idols were really demon spirits. Psalms 106:36-37 reveals the truth that these idols were devils that  caused the people to commit acts of abomination and to sin against G-d.    

Celebrities That Are Worshiped 

Politicians Worshiped

President Barak Obama Viewed as Messiah

Sports Stars Worship

 Lebron James is worshiped as a sports star

Media Diva Worshiped as a Goddesss

Oprah Worship

Music Stars Worship

Kanye West portrayed as Christ Figure

New American Religion of Celebrity Worship

If you see people that place more emphasis and time in listening to the music of their favorite artist, watching their favorite television program, or dedicated to their favorite sports team and athlete, rather than worshiping G-d, you are seeing someone who is an active participate in a form of religion.  These people religiously follow their idol news media star, movie and television star, sports star, and/or politician.

The new houses of worship for this celebrity-centered religion are the iphone, ipod, computer, online, sports stadium, movie, music concert, television.  The celebrity worship Bible is the tabloid magazine.  Magazines such as US Magazine and The National Inquirer sell millions of copies each week.  Television programs such as E!, Extra, TMZ, Entertainment Tonght, and Access Hollywood give regular daily updates about their gods and goddesses(source).  

Sociologist Rodney Stark states, "typically people do not seek a faith; they encounter one through their ties to other people who already accept this faith." It's been said that fame is a religion, and celebrities are the gods. Which Idol Should You Bow?

The question is: what celebrity idols do you bow down to daily?  Do you you spend more time listening to ungodly music and watching ungodly music videos? What ungodly Anti-Christian and anti-moral celebrity poster is hanging on the wall of your room?   Do you spend more time reading about your favorite celebrity than you do your Bible? How much time do you spend in prayer versus watching your favorite television show with your favorite actor? Please think about these questions.  If you answered affirmatively to any of them, you might have a serious sin problem with idolatry. Stop bowing down to these celebrity idols! they don't mean your eternal soul any good!

1 John 5:21 warns Christians on the following, "Keep yourselves from idols." Don't bow down to the sin of idolatry! Revelation 21:8 states that idol worshipers will have their destiny in the Lake of Fire. Please keep Jesus Christ first in your life, and you will have eternal life.     

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hair Weaves- Hair Sacrifice to Idol gods(Demons)

 How many sisters wear hair weaves sacrificed to idol gods? How many sisters come to the church house with weaves sacrificed to idols? Let's explore the ramifications of a sister in the church wearing a weave of human hair that was sacrificed to idol gods. I remember a couple years ago when my older sister was preaching.  Right in the middle of her sermon, the Holy Spirit told her to tell the sisters in the congregation to be careful where they get their hair weaves from, because some of the human hair had been sacrificed to idols.  About a week later my sister's friend was watching an episode of National Geographic in which they did a story about women in India who sacrifice their hair to idols.  Their sacrificed hair was then sold for profit.  This was confirmation of the Word given by my sister.

In India hair is a big export to the United States.  It brings in millions of dollars to the Hindu temples whose worshipers come to the temple to sacrifice there hair.

Human Hair Big Money Spent By USA

Girl, if you can't achieve it then weave it! My hair is bangin'!

In 2006 it was estimated roughly that $82 million of human hair from India is exported to the United States, and that India is one the biggest exporters of human hair in the world (source). The hair is taken from the Indian temples, then shipped to factories in China, where they are mixed with Chinese hair to form wigs and  hair extensions for the Western markets.  The hair is then  exported to lucrative salon businesses in the USA where these merchants and wig makers most prize the usually long, dark, silky hair.

Hollywood is even impacted by the Indian hair market.  On the most part, hair that is sacrificed at the temple ends up as hair extensions on Hollywood actresses.  The final cost?  Three thousand dollar a pop. It is obvious that the sale of human hair is a lucrative business.  However, it also fuels revenue into these pagan Hindu temples.  Forget about the price of looking good, it's financially aiding and arming a false religion! 

Hair Sacrificed to Idol(Demon) gods?

False god Vishnu who Hindu followers sacrifice hair too

In the Hindu faith it is a testament that men and women shave their hair in the temple. Pilgrims make their way from surrounding areas to offer up their hair. A good of example of this in the Indian city of Tripalu.  An estimated 20 million pilgrims each year and offer up hair sacrifices to the god Vishnu.  It costs about $120 million per year to maintain the temple and most of the revenue to support it comes from the sale of human hair (source/source).
One of the main reasons why people sacrifice their hair is because they have no money to give to the gods.  Instead, they offer their hair as a sacrifice.  Temples usually make $200 to $300 per kilogram of sacrificed hair that goes to a middle man.  The money is then used to support pilgrims and community programs (source).

Who is the god Vishnu to whom they sacrifice their hair? Vishnu is the second god in the Hindu triumvirate.  He is seen as the protector and preserver of the universe.  His role is to come back to earth to restore the balance between good and evil(here). It is said that Vishnu has been incarnated at least nine times.  Hindus believe he will be reincarnated a tenth time at the close of the end of this world. Does this sound like the coming of the Anti-Christ? Nevertheless, these sacrifices that are offered to Vishnu could be otherwise categorized as sacrifices to devils. 

What Does Bible Have to Say Sacrificing to Idols and Accursed Objects? 

In the Book of Psalms it states that when people offer up sacrifices to idol gods they are actually sacrificing to the devils (Demon spirits) behind these idol gods. Also, the Book of Joshua speaks about how Achan sinned by taking an accursed Babylonian garment into his family tent after Israel had defeated one of there enemies cities.   The whole ordeal had an end result of causing the nation of Israel to to be defeated in battle in the next conflict because of Achan's sin of covetousness and having the curse garment in the camp of Israel. This garment was cursed because it was dedicated to demon gods.  That is why Yahweh forbid Israel to take objects out of their enemy's cities.

Please keep in mind that things that are sacrificed to idol gods are dedicated to demons and they have a curse placed on them.  Don't take the accursed things upon you because it brings a curse upon your life.