Showing posts with label Pharmakeia and Flakka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pharmakeia and Flakka. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2024

They're Lying to You About Ayahuasca (Pharmakeia)


In the realm of spiritual exploration and consciousness expansion, few practices hold as much fascination and mystique as the ritual consumption of Ayahuasca. Originating from the Amazon rainforest and deeply rooted in indigenous traditions, Ayahuasca has gained global recognition for its transformative effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Central to the Ayahuasca experience is the phenomenon of spirit possession, wherein participants may feel a profound connection with otherworldly entities or ancestral spirits.

In Tim Alberino video above called They're Lying to You About Ayahuasca, he give the incredible spiritual insights how deeply demonic Ayahuasca is, and how Ayahuasca is connected to pharmakeia.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Pharmakeia: The Rising Tide of Kush: Exploring the Impact of the Drug Trade in West Africa


In recent years, West Africa has found itself at the crossroads of a burgeoning drug trade, with one substance standing out in particular - Kush. This potent strain of cannabis has woven itself into the fabric of the region, impacting not only the social and economic landscape but also presenting complex challenges for governments and communities. In this blog post, we will delve into the growing influence of Kush in West Africa and its multifaceted impact on the region.


The Kush Epidemic


Kush, a high-potency strain of cannabis, has become increasingly prevalent in West Africa, gaining popularity among both recreational users and those involved in the illicit drug trade. Originating from the Hindu Kush Mountain range, this strain is known for its potent psychoactive effects, making it a sought-after commodity in the global drug market. The ease of cultivation and transportation has contributed to its rapid spread across West Africa.


Social Implications


The widespread availability and use of Kush have given rise to a range of social issues in West Africa. The drug's psychoactive properties can lead to addiction, affecting not only the physical health of users but also their mental well-being. Additionally, the illegal trade of Kush has been linked to increased criminal activities, creating challenges for law enforcement agencies in the region.


Economic Impact


While the drug trade often generates revenue, it comes at a significant cost to the legitimate economy. The cultivation and trafficking of Kush divert resources away from legal industries, contributing to the erosion of economic stability in affected regions. Furthermore, the involvement of criminal organizations in the drug trade can perpetuate corruption and hinder sustainable development efforts.


Challenges for Law Enforcement


Controlling the spread of Kush presents a formidable challenge for law enforcement agencies in West Africa. The porous borders and diverse landscapes of the region facilitate the movement of illicit goods, making it difficult to curb the drug trade. Additionally, the involvement of transnational criminal organizations further complicates efforts to dismantle these networks and disrupt the flow of Kush.


Health Concerns


The rise of Kush in West Africa also raises concerns about public health. The potency of the drug can lead to addiction, and the lack of regulatory oversight in its production raises the risk of contamination and adulteration. Addressing these health concerns requires a comprehensive approach that combines public awareness campaigns, treatment programs, and regulatory measures.



The influx of Kush into West Africa represents a complex challenge that requires a coordinated and multifaceted response. Addressing the social, economic, and health implications of the drug trade necessitates collaboration between governments, law enforcement agencies, and communities. By understanding the nuances of the Kush epidemic in West Africa, stakeholders can work towards implementing effective strategies to mitigate its impact and pave the way for a more secure and prosperous future for the region.





Monday, May 15, 2023

The Hidden Dangers of Fentanyl: Unmasking a Lethal Substance

In recent years, the rise of illicit drugs has brought forth a dangerous substance that demands our attention: fentanyl. This synthetic opioid, initially developed as a powerful painkiller, has infiltrated the illegal drug market, significantly increasing overdoses and fatalities. Understanding the dangers associated with fentanyl is crucial in combating its devastating impact on individuals and communities.

Potency: A Silent Assassin

Fentanyl is a highly potent opioid, estimated to be 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. Its incredible strength poses an immediate danger to users who may unknowingly encounter it. Even the tiniest amounts can induce a fatal overdose, making it a lurking and indiscriminate killer.


Illicit Manufacturing: A Deadly Game of Russian Roulette

Illicit drug manufacturers often add fentanyl to other substances, including heroin, cocaine, and counterfeit prescription pills, to increase potency or mimic the effects of more expensive drugs. Unfortunately, the lack of quality control in underground labs makes it difficult for users to know the actual composition of the substances they consume, significantly increasing the risk of accidental overdose.

Overdose Potential: A Critical Health Crisis

The potency of fentanyl greatly magnifies the risk of overdose. When individuals consume fentanyl unknowingly or misjudge the dosage, the consequences can be catastrophic. The drug suppresses the respiratory system, leading to respiratory distress and respiratory failure. Its rapid onset and strength make it challenging for emergency responders to reverse the effects of an overdose, further exacerbating the risk.


Widespread Availability: An Alarming Epidemic

Fentanyl's availability and distribution have reached alarming levels in recent years, contributing to the global opioid crisis. Its low cost and high profitability for drug dealers have made it an attractive option, flooding the market with a substance that claims countless lives. The reach of fentanyl transcends geographical boundaries, affecting urban and rural communities alike, and exacerbating the overall impact of the opioid epidemic.


Accidental Exposure: A Hazard to Public Safety

Fentanyl threatens users, law enforcement officers, first responders, and innocent bystanders. Its potency makes accidental exposure during drug seizures or routine inspections easy. Even minimal contact with fentanyl powder or vapor can lead to severe health consequences, including overdose and death. The risks associated with handling fentanyl have prompted heightened safety protocols among drug enforcement professionals and emergency response professionals.


Fentanyl represents a grave danger that demands urgent action and awareness. Its potent nature, illicit manufacturing, overdose potential, widespread availability, and accidental exposure risks have contributed to an alarming increase in fatalities worldwide. Only by addressing the dangers head-on can we hope to mitigate the devastating impact of this lethal substance and safeguard the well-being of individuals and communities. Combating the fentanyl crisis requires comprehensive efforts, including public education, enhanced drug enforcement, improved access to addiction treatment, and the development of harm reduction strategies. 

Beyond doing things naturally to help stop the use of Fentanyl, we must be able to see the spiritual dynamic of the increased use of drugs such as Fentanyl and other illicit drugs as a prophetic sign that were living in the End-Times, and scriptures are being fulfilled before our very eyes that Pharmakeia is on the rise.



Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Flakka Zombie Demon Possession and Drugs(Pharmakeia) Vlog/Blog

Flakka is called the $5 Insanity Drug. For just $5, a single dose can cause severe paranoia, zombie-like behavior, and superhuman strength. The impact of this drug causes the user to have demonic manifestations. We will examine how Flakka, opens up a person who uses this drug, to demon possession. Click to view the video below.

Flakka=Pharmakeia /Sorcery in these Last Days(Revelation 9:20-21).

The Biblical definition for pharmakeia(click the link below):

Please read Pastor Joe Schimmel- Goodfight Ministry Article Flakka $5 Insanity: :